Desktop (JavaFX) application that generates a collage from collections of pictures.
when setting up the parameters, with a preview of the collage structure click the "preview" button to check which image file are potentially missing Collagr hard at work
- read ratio: image size reducing factor when reading source files in order to be easier on the memory for large collages
- images: number of images to add to the collage
- rows: number of lines
- cols: number of columns
- border: border size (pixels)
- spacing: image spacing (pixels)
- input directory: source directory for image files
- patterns: image file name prefix, there should be one per row. .png
- output directory: where collages are written
- out file prefix: output file names are: .png
- write ratio: image size reducing factor(s) to avoid super large files
mvn clean compile jfx:jar
produces a runnable jar file: target/jfx/Collagr2-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jfx.jar
mvn clean compile jfx:native
produces a native app, installer in target/jfx/native
-- more to come!