Vim’s basics are fairly simple, but in combination the simple commands become powerful. This is my Vim configuration tree, used and tweaked over a year. Most of the time I'm writing code. So it's focused on faster writing, completion and navigation.
Although a vimrc is a very personal thing, I believe there are some settings/configs that you could use to improve your Vim setup, so I have commented most settings. Feel free to explore it and use pieces from it (or use it in it's entirety, but I don't think that would really be useful).
In particular, there's a nice config for Neocomplete. These days it's somewhat geared towards Linux and Windows, but it is known to also work on MacOS X.
Simply just do a git rebase!
cd ~/.vimrc
git pull --rebase
Check out from github
cd C:\Program Files\Vim (or your installed path to Vim) rmdir /s vimfiles (This deletes your old vim configurations. If you want to keep it, use move instead of rmdir.) git clone git:// vimfiles git submodule update --init
Install vimrc. Add the following line at the end of C:\Program Files\Vim\vimrc
source $VIM/vimfiles/vimrc
That's it.