Examples from XC8-PIC-Assembler-UG-for-EE-50002994A.pdf
Arduino hardware package for ATmega8, ATmega48, ATmega88, ATmega168, ATmega328 and ATmega328PB
EtherCard is an IPv4 driver for the ENC28J60 chip, compatible with Arduino IDE
Code examples for microcontrollers ready to compile with SDCC
Fork of go/x/crypto, providing an up-to-date OpenPGP implementation
Tool for generating gcode for CNC machines from PCB gerber files.
Node module to provide descriptions and reference to CNC G-Codes
Open source parts inventory system for makers, electronics hobby, and professional engineers
Part-DB is an Open source inventory management system for your electronic components
Z80 open-source silicon clone. Goal is to become a silicon proven, pin compatible, open-source replacement for classic Z80.
An in-memory key:value store/cache (similar to Memcached) library for Go, suitable for single-machine applications.
Implementation of various JWx (Javascript Object Signing and Encryption/JOSE) technologies
Envoy External Authorization server (envoy.ext_authz) HelloWorld
Protocol Buffer Validation - Go, Java, Python, and C++ Beta Releases!
Atividades e códigos citados nos artigos do blog
Software HOTP Token - C/C++ implementation of HMAC-based one time password token, not using the OpenSSL library
Open-source plugins included in the distribution of IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate and other IDEs based on the IntelliJ Platform
Generate beautiful documentation from your Protobuf descriptors.
The C based gRPC (C++, Python, Ruby, Objective-C, PHP, C#)
Demo using API Gateway and Lambda with Protocol Buffer
AWS Lambda Implementation in Scala with gRPC and REST.