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Release Process

Joe Crop edited this page Oct 10, 2022 · 1 revision
  1. Edit the version number in package.json
"version": "<new_release_number>",
  1. Go to and click 'Draft New Release'
  2. Click 'Choose a tag' and type in a new tag name and click 'Create new tag'
  3. Click 'Generate release notes'
  4. Copy the generated release notes and reformat them to fit into
  5. Commit the changes to master
  6. Go to (i.e. refersh the page you had open earlier) and click 'Draft New Release'. Type in a version starting with letter 'v': v0.major.minor and click 'Create new tag'
  7. Click 'Generate release notes'
  8. Click 'Publish Release'
  9. Go to the Actions page and ensure the actions to publish the release run and pass.
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