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ViralBShah committed Mar 7, 2021
2 parents a3502bf + e0c8c6b commit dfe79ee
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Showing 11 changed files with 397 additions and 128 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -2,10 +2,12 @@

## v0.12.0

* Add [identity_init](
* Add [Orthogonal Matrix initialization]( as described in [Exact solutions to the nonlinear dynamics of learning in deep linear neural networks](
* Added [Focal Loss function]( to Losses module
* The Dense layer now supports inputs with [multiple batch dimensions](
* Dense and Conv layers no longer perform [implicit type conversion](
* The keyword `initW` is of Dense layers is now `init`, to agree with convolutional layers.
* Excise datasets in favour of other providers in the julia ecosystem.
* Added option to set `bias` to [false]( to eliminating `bias` from being trained.
* Add [CTC loss function]( to Losses module
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions docs/src/models/
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Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ These core layers form the foundation of almost all neural networks.

## Convolution and Pooling Layers
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -57,7 +56,8 @@ But in contrast to the layers described in the other sections are not readily gr

## Normalisation & Regularisation
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11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions src/deprecations.jl
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Expand Up @@ -7,3 +7,14 @@
@deprecate Conv(; weight, bias, activation=identity, kws...) Conv(weight, bias, activation; kws...)
@deprecate ConvTranspose(; weight, bias, activation=identity, kws...) ConvTranspose(weight, bias, activation; kws...)
@deprecate DepthwiseConv(; weight, bias, activation=identity, kws...) DepthwiseConv(weight, bias, activation; kws...)

function Base.getproperty(a::Dense, s::Symbol)
if s === :W
Base.depwarn("field name dense.W is deprecated in favour of dense.weight", :Dense)
return getfield(a, :weight)
elseif s === :b
Base.depwarn("field name dense.b is deprecated in favour of dense.bias", :Dense)
return getfield(a, :bias)
return getfield(a, s)
205 changes: 128 additions & 77 deletions src/layers/basic.jl
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Expand Up @@ -69,100 +69,134 @@ extraChain(::Tuple{}, x) = ()

Dense(in, out, σ=identity; initW=glorot_uniform, initb=zeros, bias=true)
Dense(W, b, σ=identity)
Dense(in, out, σ=identity; bias=true, init=glorot_uniform)
Dense(W::AbstractMatrix, [bias, σ])
Create a traditional `Dense` layer with in×out weight matrix `W` and
bias vector `b` of length `out`. The forward pass is given by:
Create a traditional `Dense` layer, whose forward pass is given by:
y = σ.(W * x .+ b)
y = σ.(W * x .+ bias)
The input `x` must be a vector of length `in`, a batch of vectors represented
as an `in × N` matrix, or a higher order tensor where all dimensions
after the first one will be treated as batch dimensions.
The input `x` should be a vector of length `in`, or batch of vectors represented
as an `in × N` matrix, or any array with `size(x,1) == in`.
The out `y` will be a vector of length `out`, or a batch with
`size(y) == (out, size(x)[2:end]...)`
The out `y` will be a vector of length `out` or a batch whose first
dimension is `out` and the remaining dimensions are the same as in the input.
Setting `bias` to `false` will switch the bias off for the layer.
`initW` and `initb` are callables used to initialize weights and biases respectively,
through the calls `initW(out, in)` and `initb(out)`.
Keyword `bias=false` will switch off trainable bias for the layer.
The initialisation of the weight matrix is `W = init(out, in)`, calling the function
given to keyword `init`, with default [`glorot_uniform`](@doc Flux.glorot_uniform).
The weight matrix and/or the bias vector (of length `out`) may also be provided explicitly.
# Examples
julia> d = Dense(5, 2)
Dense(5, 2)
julia> d(rand(Float32, 5))
2-element Array{Float32,1}:
julia> d(rand(Float32, 5, 64)) |> size
(2, 64)
julia> d = Dense(5, 2; bias=false)
Dense(5, 2)
julia> d(rand(Float32, 5, 1, 1, 64)) |> size # treated as three batch dimensions
(2, 1, 1, 64)
julia> d1 = Dense(ones(2, 5), false, tanh) # using provided weight matrix
Dense(5, 2, tanh; bias=false)
julia> d1(ones(5))
2-element Array{Float64,1}:
julia> Flux.params(d1) # no trainable bias
Params([[1.0 1.0 … 1.0 1.0; 1.0 1.0 … 1.0 1.0]])
struct Dense{F,S<:AbstractArray,T<:Union{Zeros, AbstractVector}}
struct Dense{F, M<:AbstractMatrix, B}
function Dense(W::M, bias = true, σ::F = identity) where {M<:AbstractMatrix, F}
b = create_bias(W, bias, size(W,1))
new{F,M,typeof(b)}(W, b, σ)

Dense(W, b) = Dense(W, b, identity)

function Dense(in::Integer, out::Integer, σ = identity;
initW = glorot_uniform, initb = zeros, bias=true)
return Dense(initW(out, in), create_bias(bias, initb, out), σ)
initW = nothing, initb = nothing,
init = glorot_uniform, bias=true)

W = if initW !== nothing
Base.depwarn("keyword initW is deprecated, please use init (which similarly accepts a funtion like randn)", :Dense)
initW(out, in)
init(out, in)

b = if bias === true && initb !== nothing
Base.depwarn("keyword initb is deprecated, please simply supply the bias vector, bias=initb(out)", :Dense)

return Dense(W, b, σ)

@functor Dense

function (a::Dense)(x::AbstractArray)
W, b, σ = a.W, a.b, a.σ
W, b, σ = a.weight, a.bias, a.σ
sz = size(x)
x = reshape(x, sz[1], :) # reshape to handle dims > 1 as batch dimensions
x = σ.(W*x .+ b)
return reshape(x, :, sz[2:end]...)
y = reshape(x, sz[1], :) # reshape to handle dims > 1 as batch dimensions
z = σ.(W*y .+ b)
return reshape(z, :, sz[2:end]...)

function, l::Dense)
print(io, "Dense(", size(l.W, 2), ", ", size(l.W, 1))
print(io, "Dense(", size(l.weight, 2), ", ", size(l.weight, 1))
l.σ == identity || print(io, ", ", l.σ)
l.bias == Zeros() && print(io, "; bias=false")
print(io, ")")

Diagonal(α, β)
Diagonal(sz::Integer...; initα=ones, initβ=zeros)
Create an element-wise linear layer with learnable
arrays `α` and `β` of size `sz`. The layer performs
Create an element-wise linear layer, which performs
y = α .* x .+ β
The input `x` must have size broadcast-compatible with `α` and `β`.
The parameters will be created with the calls
`α = initα(sz)` and `β = initβ(sz)`.
The learnable arrays are initialised `α = ones(Float32, size)` and
`β = zeros(Float32, size)`.
Used by [`LayerNorm`](@ref).
struct Diagonal{T}

function Diagonal(sz::Integer...;
initα = i -> ones(Float32, i),
initβ = i -> zeros(Float32, i))
Diagonal(initα(sz), initβ(sz))
function Diagonal(sz::Integer...; initα = nothing, initβ = nothing)
α = if initα !== nothing
Base.depwarn("keyword initα is deprecated, please simply supply the desired vectors", :Diagonal)
β = if initβ !== nothing
Base.depwarn("keyword initβ is deprecated, please simply supply the desired vectors", :Diagonal)
Diagonal(α, β)

@functor Diagonal

(a::Diagonal)(x) = a.α .* x .+ a.β

function, l::Diagonal)
print(io, "Diagonal(", size(l.α), ")")
print(io, "Diagonal(", join(size(l.α), ", "), ")")

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -249,55 +283,71 @@ function, b::SkipConnection)

Bilinear(in1, in2, out)
Bilinear(in1, in2, out, σ=identity; bias=true, init=glorot_uniform)
Bilinear(W::AbstractArray, [bias, σ])
Creates a Bilinear layer, which operates on two inputs at the same time.
It has parameters `W` and `b`, and its output given vectors `x`, `y` is of the form
Its output, given vectors `x` & `y`, is another vector `z` with,
for all `i ∈ 1:out`:
z[i] = σ.(x' * W[i,:,:] * y .+ b[i])
z[i] = σ(x' * W[i,:,:] * y + bias[i])
If `x` and `y` are matrices, then each column of the output `z = B(x, y)` is of this form,
given that `B` is a Bilinear layer of appropriate size.
with `B` a Bilinear layer.
If `y` is not given, it is taken to be equal to `x`, i.e. `B(x) == B(x, x)`
The two inputs may also be provided as a tuple, `B((x, y)) == B(x, y)`,
which is accepted as the input to a `Chain`.
# using Bilinear to generate interactions, on one input
x = randn(Float32, 11, 7)
B = Bilinear(11, 11, 3)
size(B(x)) == (3, 7)
# using Bilinear on two data streams at once, as a tuple
x = randn(Float32, 10, 9)
y = randn(Float32, 2, 9)
m = Chain(Bilinear(10, 2, 3), Dense(3, 1))
size(m((x, y))) == (1, 9)
# using Bilinear as the recombinator in a SkipConnection
x = randn(Float32, 10, 9)
sc = SkipConnection(Dense(10, 10), Bilinear(10, 10, 5))
size(sc(x)) == (5, 9)
The initialisation works as for [`Dense`](@ref) layer, with `W = init(out, in1, in2)`.
By default the bias vector is `zeros(Float32, out)`, option `bias=false` will switch off
trainable bias. Either of these may be provided explicitly.
# Examples
julia> x, y = randn(Float32, 5, 32), randn(Float32, 5, 32);
julia> B = Flux.Bilinear(5, 5, 7);
julia> B(x) |> size # interactions based on one input
(7, 32)
julia> B(x,y) == B((x,y)) # two inputs, may be given as a tuple
julia> sc = SkipConnection(
Chain(Dense(5, 20, tanh), Dense(20, 9, tanh)),
Flux.Bilinear(9, 5, 3, bias=false),
); # used as the recombinator, with skip as the second input
julia> sc(x) |> size
(3, 32)
julia> Flux.Bilinear(rand(4,8,16), false, tanh) # first dim of weight is the output
Bilinear(8, 16, 4, tanh, bias=false)
struct Bilinear{A,B,S}
struct Bilinear{F,A,B}
function Bilinear(W::A, bias = true, σ::F = identity) where {A<:AbstractArray, F}
ndims(A) == 3 || throw(ArgumentError("expected a 3-array of weights"))
b = create_bias(W, bias, size(W,1))
new{F,A,typeof(b)}(W, b, σ)

@functor Bilinear

Bilinear(W, b) = Bilinear(W, b, identity)

function Bilinear(in1::Integer, in2::Integer, out::Integer, σ = identity;
initW = glorot_uniform, initb = zeros)
return Bilinear(initW(out, in1, in2), initb(out), σ)
init = glorot_uniform, bias = true)
Bilinear(init(out, in1, in2), bias, σ)

function (a::Bilinear)(x::AbstractMatrix, y::AbstractMatrix)
W, b, σ = a.W, a.b, a.σ
W, b, σ = a.weight, a.bias, a.σ

d_z, d_x, d_y = size(W)
d_x == size(x,1) && d_y == size(y,1) || throw(DimensionMismatch("number of rows in data must match W"))
Expand All @@ -319,13 +369,14 @@ end
(a::Bilinear)(x::NTuple{2, AbstractArray}) = a(x[1], x[2])

function, l::Bilinear)
print(io, "Bilinear(", size(l.W, 2), ", ", size(l.W, 3), ", ", size(l.W, 1))
print(io, "Bilinear(", size(l.weight, 2), ", ", size(l.weight, 3), ", ", size(l.weight, 1))
l.σ == identity || print(io, ", ", l.σ)
l.bias == Flux.Zeros() && print(io, ", bias=false")
print(io, ")")

Parallel(connection, layers...)
Parallel(connection, layers...)
Create a 'Parallel' layer that passes an input array to each path in
`layers`, reducing the output with `connection`.
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