browser pwn, main work now.
description: some basic knowledge and scripts of browser pwn.
related link: None
finished date: 2019
description: d8 basic pwn game, with oob vuln.
writeup: None
related link: None
description: callback of Object::ToNumber to form uaf and oob write.
writeup: None
related link: None
finished date: 2019
description: oob vuln in array.form
writeup: None
related link: chromium commit
finished date: 2019
description: a oob write vuln in function, with abusing use of Symbol.species
writeup: None
official link: chromium commit
finished date: 2019
description: ObjectCreate's side effect annotation
writeup: None
official link: chromium commit
finished date: 2020
description: exp for v9 in 34c3ctf, bug in redundancy-elimination
writeup: None
official link: v9
finished date: 2020
description: exp for krautflare in 34c3ctf, bug in type optimization
writeup: None
official link: Issue 1710: Chrome: V8: incorrect type information on Math.expm1
finished date: 2020
description: exp for just in time game in google ctf 2018 final, bug in type optimization, with the characteristic of Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER.
writeup: None
official link: pwn-just-in-time
finished date: 2020
description: exp for qwb 2019 final groupupjs, oob bug in kUint32LessThan.
writeup: None
official link: None
finished date: 2020
description: invalidate stable map assumption for globals on creankshaft, exploit with
null String
objectwriteup: None
official link: Fix
finished date: 2020
description: invalid side effection judge for global value.
writeup: None
official link: issue
finished date: 2020
description: JSCreate can have side effects, bug in receiver maps inference.
writeup: browser-pwn cve-2020-6418漏洞分析
official link: commit
finished date: 2020
Issue 762874
description: The Typer put the wrong type on String.indexOf and String.lastIndexOf builtins, with an off by one on the upper bound. exploit it on version 6.3 and 7.4
writeup: None
official link: commit-762874
finished date: 2020