Amirkabir University of Technology ‐ Tehran Polytechnic
ECG_GNN Public
developing graph neural network for diagnosis of the 12-lead ECG.
AI-Packman Public
This repository is part of an Artificial Intelligence course project aimed at enhancing Pac-Man's gameplay using various AI techniques.
Python UpdatedSep 9, 2024 -
ICEL Public
An implementation of the ICEL (Inconsistent Explanations) method from the paper "ICEL: Learning with Inconsistent Explanations"
GC-Loss Public
Forked from UMBCvision/Explainable-Models-with-Consistent-InterpretationsOfficial repository for the AAAI-21 paper 'Explainable Models with Consistent Interpretations'
automatic-ecg-diagnosis Public
Forked from antonior92/automatic-ecg-diagnosisTraining and testing neural network for ECG automatic classification. Companion code to the paper "Automatic diagnosis of the 12-lead ECG using a deep neural network".
This project contains implementing various ISP modes. The project is related to software testing course.
Python UpdatedMay 14, 2024 -
FuzzySelfDriving Public
The project integrates fuzzy logic for decision-making in a self-driving car simulator.
SuperMario Public
This project trains a player agent using Evolutionary Algorithm, aiming to evolve strategies that enable successful completion of Mario levels.
ShoppingService Public
implementation of a simplified version of an online shopping cart maintenance service using Go programming language and JWT token for user authentication service.
Go UpdatedApr 2, 2024 -
DataMiningProjects Public
A collection of mini-projects of data mining course with focus on essential data mining tasks such as data preprocessing, regression analysis, classification algorithms, clustering techniques, and …
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedApr 2, 2024 -
InformationRetrievalProject Public
This project is the final project for the Information Retrieval course which involves developing a search engine tailored to the contents of some Persian news websites. Ranking results is by using …
WebFrontMidterm Public
Web programming course midterm project which is a website for predicting gender of names. The frontend is developed by pure HTML, CSS and JS.
JavaScript UpdatedJan 12, 2024 -
SomeVueComponents Public
A small project in vue.js to build a component for showing dynamic list of words in a fun way.
Vue UpdatedNov 2, 2021