#About jQuery Inner Label is a plug-in that lets you easily convert your labels into crossbrowser html5 placeholders (it uses html4 + css when html5 placeholder is not possible).
jQuery Inner Label will convert your labels into inner-label. If your browser supports input attribute placeholder
it will be used instead.
<label for="input">An inner-label</label>
<input id="input" type="text" />
jQuery(function($) {
Set placeholder
option to false to check how it looks on old browsers and style it to your needs.
jQuery(function($) {
$('label').innerlabel({placeholder: false});
Remember to set it to true (or remove it to use default value) after styling your inner-labels.
// Default options
// Disable html5 placeholders
placeholder: false
label_class: "inner-label", // class applied to label
wrapper: false, // is the label yet wrapped? specify it's wrapper tag here
wrapper_class: "inner-label-wrapper", // class applied to wrapper
active_class: "active", // class added to wrapper when input is active
possible_wrappers: [
possible_inputs: [
placeholder: true // enables placeholder if available
Remember to add the css to your site and modify it to your needs.
Works with jQuery versions 1.6 to 1.7.1. In previous versions works but buggy (maybe 'bind' or 'trigger' issues).
Must work under (almost) every browser.
Tested under (Win, Linux & Mac)...
- IE 6 to 9
- FF 7 & 8
- Opera 11.6
- Safari (5.1 under Mac and 5.1.2 under Win)
- Chrome 16
jQuery.innerlabel is distributed under the GNU/GPL license