meşe bilişim @mesebilisim
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- http://mesebilisim.com/
- @electrocoder
Starred repositories
Repository for Python Programming course given by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bora Canbula at Computer Engineering Department of Manisa Celal Bayar University.
Repository for Data Science course given by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bora Canbula at Computer Engineering Department of Manisa Celal Bayar University.
A cross platform HTML5 QR code reader. See end to end implementation at: https://scanapp.org
Creating a website using data from IoT devices
ESP32 software USB host through general IO pins. We can connect up to 4 USB-LS HID (keyboard mouse joystick) devices simultaneously.
ESPHome is a system to control your ESP8266/ESP32 by simple yet powerful configuration files and control them remotely through Home Automation systems.
HTTP Post and Get methods pull data from the url or send the requested data. It shows the data in a pie chart. Mesebilisim.com website is used as an example. You can run the application using the D…
An easy and fast way to create a Python GUI 🐍
ThingsBoard Mobile Application
Türkiye’de Nesnelerin İnterneti Girişimleri
Mongoose OS - an IoT Firmware Development Framework. Supported microcontrollers: ESP32, ESP8266, CC3220, CC3200, STM32F4, STM32L4, STM32F7. Amazon AWS IoT, Microsoft Azure, Google IoT Core integrat…
Espressif IoT Library. IoT Device Drivers, Documentations and Solutions.
Alternative firmware for ESP8266 and ESP32 based devices with easy configuration using webUI, OTA updates, automation using timers or rules, expandability and entirely local control over MQTT, HTTP…
This repository contains the OpenTelemetry Astronomy Shop, a microservice-based distributed system intended to illustrate the implementation of OpenTelemetry in a near real-world environment.
Comprehensive roadmap for aspiring Embedded Systems Engineers, featuring a curated list of learning resources
A current/voltage tracer for semiconductors using very simple hardware.