You can import this project into IntelliJ or Eclipse.
Right-click on the example and select run
mvn compile exec:java -Dmain.class="examples.HeightMap"
mvn compile exec:java -Dmain.class="examples.CubicMap"
with your own code. (You can delete the examples.) Then
To run:
mvn compile exec:java
To build an uberjar you can distribute:
mvn package
To run your uberjar (requires user has Java installed):
java -jar target/jaylib-maven-example-project-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
You will need to download Graal and extract the archive. Set an env variable with the location, e.g.
export GRAALVM_HOME=/home/richard/Downloads/graalvm-jdk-22+36.1/
Then to build a native image you can distribute that doesn't require Java to run:
mvn clean -Pnative package
If you have any game resouces (images, sounds) that you store inside your jar file then you will need to edit src/main/resources/META-INF/native-image/reflect-config.json to let native-image find them.