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Sakai Docker Development Examples

A suite of tools for developing Sakai using Docker Swarm.


Features of the files you will find here:

  • Staged development stack.
  • All data persisted locally in ./DATA
  • Shell-In-A-Box (browser console) maven image
  • Dockerfile for building static image from within dev folder
  • Swarm stacks designed to be layered
    • Proxy + Sakai (No Search) + Mysql + Maven
    • Proxy + Sakai (No Search) + Mysql + Maven + PhpMyAdmin + MailCatcher
    • Proxy + Sakai (Search Enabled) + Mysql + Maven + PhpMyAdmin + MailCatcher + Cerebro + Kibana
    • Proxy + Sakai (Search Enabled) + Mysql + Maven + PhpMyAdmin + MailCatcher + Cerebro + Kibana + Graylog (Aggregation Stack)

Quick install Docker (Linux, new server/workstation)

Docker provides an installation script for most Linux distributions, With Ubuntu and RHEL/CentOS being the most used. This script is located at and has the following instructions at the top of the file:

This script is meant for quick & easy install via:
$ curl -fsSL -o
$ sh

Swarm mode must be enabled to use this Docker Swarm Stack based development environment

$ docker swarm init 

Stage 1 (Sakai Checkout & Build)

The first stage compose file creates Sakai, Mysql, and Maven services. The maven service includes Shell In A Box at for easy access.


  1. Deploy the stack using docker stack deploy -c sakai_dev.yml SakaiStudio
  2. Wait for startup, you can monitor with docker service logs -f SakaiStudio_sakai
  3. After startup connect to and click the "Maven Console" tile.
  4. Login with user:root and password:toor
  5. You will be in the /source folder, if not cd /source (This folder is mapped to ./sakai/source)
  6. Clone the code repo git clone
  7. Enter the code folder cd sakai
  8. Build the code mvn clean install sakai:deploy (adding any other preferred build options like -T or -Dmaven.test.skip=true)
  9. After the build completes, tomcat will need to be restarted, from the host (not the maven console) run docker service update --force SakaiStudio_sakai
  10. Wait for tomcat to startup, it may take a long while while the DB scheme is being created.
  11. After startup connect to and click the "Sakai LMS" tile.

Stage 1.1 (Optional static image build)

Once the sakai source has been built, you can build a sakai:latest static docker image to be used with the examples in ../deploy

  1. Run docker build -t sakai . from this folder

Stage 2 (Above + Basic Dev Tools)

The second stage adds MailCatcher and PhpMyAdmin to the stack.


  1. Update the running stack using the stage 2 compose file docker stack deploy -c sakai_dev_tools.yml SakaiStudio
  2. Wait for startup, you can monitor with docker service logs -f SakaiStudio_sakai
  3. After startup connect to to see the list of services

Stage 3 (Above + ES Tools, Sakai Search enabled)

The third stage enables Sakai's built in search, and adds Cerebro and Kibana for working with elasticsearch.


  1. Update the running stack using the stage 2 compose file docker stack deploy -c sakai_dev_tools_search.yml SakaiStudio
  2. Wait for startup, you can monitor with docker service logs -f SakaiStudio_sakai
  3. After startup connect to to see the list of services

Stage 4 (Above + Log Aggregation)

The fourth stage adds full log aggregation via Graylog, and configures everything in the stack to send logs to it via UDP/GELF


  1. Update the running stack using the stage 2 compose file docker stack deploy -c sakai_dev_full.yml SakaiStudio
  2. Wait for startup, you can monitor eith Graylog at
  3. After startup connect to to see the list of services