Run Cypress tests in Perfecto cloud
Report GitHub Actions build status on Slack
A Jekyll theme for automatically generating and deploying landing page sites for mobile apps.
CORS Anywhere is a NodeJS reverse proxy which adds CORS headers to the proxied request.
Bash and shell script language support for JetBrains IDEs. Please refer to for the reasons.
Progress bar component for ReactJS.
Webpack plugin and CLI utility that represents bundle content as convenient interactive zoomable treemap
Add the opportunity to import modules by the root path
Material Dashboard - Open Source Bootstrap 5 Material Design Admin
Super simple virtualized list React component
Tired of the package.json dependency juggle? Meet npm-gui! We seamlessly integrate with npm, pnpm, or yarn. Managing, installing, and updating dependencies is as easy as it gets. Try npm-gui today …
Javascript Canvas Library, SVG-to-Canvas (& canvas-to-SVG) Parser
The best JavaScript Data Table for building Enterprise Applications. Supports React / Angular / Vue / Plain JavaScript.
binary search for sorted javascript arrays||array like obejcts. provides method to create sorted index of objects.
Alfred 4 workflow to manage the hosts file on OSX
AppleScript for iTerm2 Alfred integration.
🐇 Fastest possible memoization library
A draggable and resizable grid layout with responsive breakpoints, for React.
DEPRECATED Translating your AngularJS 1.x apps
Simple bar charts with React and CSS linear-gradient