A lightweight (2KB gzipped) and dependency free mask input created specific for Vue.js
FYI: This project is a copy of the original vue-the-mask project in https://github.com/vuejs-tips/vue-the-mask and its goal is to no longer have the error message "v-mask directive requires 1 input, found 0" as this message is displayed incorrectly in several cases that the component works smoothly.
npm i -S vue-the-mask2
import VueTheMask from 'vue-the-mask2'
import {TheMask} from 'vue-the-mask2'
export default {
components: {TheMask}
import {mask} from 'vue-the-mask2'
export default {
directives: {mask}
'#': {pattern: /\d/},
'X': {pattern: /[0-9a-zA-Z]/},
'S': {pattern: /[a-zA-Z]/},
'A': {pattern: /[a-zA-Z]/, transform: v => v.toLocaleUpperCase()},
'a': {pattern: /[a-zA-Z]/, transform: v => v.toLocaleLowerCase()},
'!': {escape: true}
Property | Required | Type | Default | Description |
value | false | String | Input value or v-model | |
mask | true | String, Array | Mask pattern | |
masked | false | Boolean | false | emit value with mask chars, default is raw |
placeholder | false | String | Same as html input | |
type | false | String | 'text' | Input type (email, tel, number, ...) |
tokens | false | Object | tokens | Custom tokens for mask |
We understand that money format is a totally different domain, which needs another specific component. You can use https://github.com/vuejs-tips/v-money
This project is licensed under MIT License