- Controller classes extend
with key and model type parameters as in DAO classes. - Controllers should override the constructor by providing
- DAO implementation
- A Form class
- Key type
- Model type
- Page size (used for paging lists)
- Sorting field as string (might be in the form of
"fieldName [asc]/[desc]"
- Template file name prefixes for List/Form and Show pages
- A Call to the index page, indicating the call to return after CRUD operations
- An
(javax.inject.Inject) annotation may be required before the construction definition.
import static play.data.Form.*;
import play.mvc.Call;
public class SampleController extends CRUDController<Long, Sample> {
public SampleController(SampleDAO dao) {
super(dao, form(Sample.class), Long.class, Sample.class, 10, "name");
protected String templateForList() {
return "sampleList";
protected String templateForForm() {
return "sampleForm";
protected String templateForShow() {
return "sampleShow";
protected Call toIndex() {
return routes.Application.sampleList();
Definition of the class SampleDAO is here.
###Overriding controller actions Since the actions of the CrudController are not static, you can override them and use generic types !
List of the functions you can override :
//Send an empty new form
public Result newForm();
//Process the creation of the new object and redirect to the index
public Result create();
//Send an update form for the object of id key
public Result editForm(K key);
//Process the update and redirect to the index
public Result update(K key);
//Send a show page
public Result show(K key);
//Process the deletion and redirect to the index
public Result delete(K key);
//Send a list page
public Result list();
Example: If you want to make sure someone is logged in before sending a new form, here is how to do it :
public class SampleController extends CRUDController<Long, Sample> {
public SampleController(SampleDAO dao) {
super(dao, form(Sample.class), Long.class, Sample.class, 10, "name");
protected String templateForList()
public Result newForm()
// Loggin.reder() must return a Return object
return Loggin.reder();
return super.newForm();