The Hot Date Boyz--back at it again!
##Table of Contents
- Team Members
- Tech Stack, API's and Third-party Tools
- Folder and File Structure
- Setting up the Development Environment
- Starting the app
- System Architecture
- Database Schema
- Add Publishers
- Worker Description
- License
##Tech Stack, API's and Third-party Tools
- Vue for rendering views
- Vuex for managing state
- Vue-Router for controlling navigation within the client
- Node.js and Express for serving static pages and services.
- MongoDB for database with Mongoose as an ODM. See our Database section for more details.
- PubNub for controlling interactions between groups of clients with WebRTC for peer to peer video streaming.
- Webpack & Babel
- Passport for managing user authentication.
##Folder and File Structure
|--Vue components (data/functionality)
|--pubnub WebRTC SDK
|--routes (Vue-Router client-side routing)
|--Vue templates
|--store (Vuex state management)
|--Mongoose models
|--config (connects to the database)
|--schema (establish mongodb schema for database entries)
|--Handlers for server side functionality
##Setting up the Development Environment
##How to start the app
###Install dependencies:
- navigate to the root directory and run
npm install
- Make sure mongodb is installed and configured
####Get API Keys for PubNub
- Register with PubNub
- Create a project on your PubNub user profile
- Make sure that 'Presence' is toggled on in the 'Application Add-Ons' section for your keyset (Don't worry, it's free).
- For further information on request/connection limits for free users, see PubNub's pricing page
###Starting the app
Start your
Open a new terminal window and navigate to the root file of the project
Open a terminal window and navigate to the root file of the project
If this is the first time you are starting the app
Open a new terminal window and navigate to the root file of the project
npm start
You can now open
##Do the thing To do something that our app wants to do
##License ???