This is a repository of scripts used in the analysis of the RNA seq data from the INTERVAL cohort. Current generation scripts are stored in the root folder, with the initial Limix pipeline and the tensorQTL phase I analysis scripts stored in subfolders for reference purposes.
Where possible, I've tried to name files in a way that makes it obvious what order they have to be run in.
Unless otherwise specified, all file paths are given relative to /rds/project/jmmh2/rds-jmmh2-projects/interval_rna_seq/
RNA-seq data is downloaded from the Sanger HGI service Globus server. This is accessed from and requires an endpoint to be set up on CSD3 to transfer files. The commands required to configure this are stored in globus_config_for_csd3.txt.
Initial Phase I data is stored in /rds/project/jmmh2/rds-jmmh2-pre_qc_data/interval/rna_seq/raw_data/globus
in subfolders by batch. Within each subfolder, .cram
files are stored tar files in the data
folders and processed gene counts are stored in the results-study5591-*
Phase I was recalled together with batches 9-12 of Phase II to bring INTERVAL into closer alignment with the BioAid and GAINS studies. This latest data release is stored on the globus server, with some files downloaded to globus_phase2_recalled
. Not all files have been copied, as many of these files are symlinks on the Sanger side and are ignored by the globus sync functions. This is something that needs to be worked out with Guillaume Noell.
Gene counts from globus have been filtered and TMM-normalised by Artika Nath - a version of the script used for this is stored here but she will have the most up-to-date version. The file used as input for phenotype generation is the same one used for peer and is consequently stored in analysis/04_phase2_full_analysis/peer_factors/peer_InputFiles/GeneExpr_PEER_TmmInvRankNormalised_swapsSwapped_mismatchRemoved.csv
. Phenotype input files for TensorQTL are stored in analysis/04_phase2_full_analysis/phenotypes
and are generated with this script.
Genomic positions of genes are obtained from Ensembl. Annotation files are stored in analysis/04_phase2_full_analysis/annotation_file
, with the raw BioMart output stored in 19_9_5_mart_export.txt
and the reformatted annotation file in Feature_Annotation_Ensembl_gene_ids_autosomesPlusChrX_b38.txt
. This is a throwback to the Limix pipeline where annotation was supplied as a separate file, but this information is now stored within the TensorQTL .bed input. However, the phenotype generation scriptes still require the annotation file to be in the Limix format. The script to reformat this is stored here.
Scripts for covariate handing are stored in their own subfolder. The master file containing all covariates is analysis/04_phase2_full_analysis/covariates/processed/INTERVAL_RNA_batch1-12_master_covariates_release_2020_07_01.csv
. The analysis ready covariate file is stored in analysis/04_phase2_full_analysis/covariates
Note that the names of the blood cell traits are somewhat esoteric, but are consistent with the format used by the INTERVAL data management team. The file analysis/04_phase2_full_analysis/covariates/blood_trait_names.csv
may be useful for interpreting them.
PEER factors were also generated by Artika. The scripts for doing this are duplicated here. 20 factors were generated as more than this contribute little to explaining variance in the RNA-seq data. Biological covariates explicitly adjusted for are detailed in analysis/04_phase2_full_analysis/peer_factors/peer_InputFiles/Covariates_for_PEER_mismatchRemoved.csv
. Additional technical covariates are included in the regression model in TensorQTL. The rationale behind this was to explicitly correct for those covariates where there might be an interest in partitioning variance, e.g. the cell count traits.
The Sysmex traits included as covariates were all the traits used in the Astle et al Cell GWAS minus the cell counts that were also represented as a percentage (eg Lymphocyte percentage was retained while Lymphocyte count was not. This was because the former was used to derive the latter).
TensorQTL takes plink genotype format as input. This does mean imputed genotypes are hard-called, but I consider the trade off in speed to be worth it.
The scripts in the genotypes subfolder describe the filters applied - Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium exact test p-value below < 1e-6, genotype missingness > 0.05 and minor allele frequency < 0.5%. Genetic PCs are calculated using this script which is based on Ben's code from the SomaLogic analysis.
ChrX files were created as part of the COVID-19 subproject. The files INTERVAL_chrX_merged_cleaned_RNAseq_phase1-2_b38_rsids_deduplicated_MAF0.005.*
were copied to analysis/04_phase2_full_analysis/genotypes
and renamed INTERVAL_RNAseq_Phase1-2_imputed_b38_biallelic_MAF0.005_chr23.*
The first thing to note is that most of these scripts are were run interactively, particularly the R scripts. In theory, they can all be run in using Rscript
but this is untested in many cases. If it doesn't work, try copying the commands to an interactive R session. In any cases where submission to the cluster is necessary, the corresponding shell script is provided.
NOTE: these scripts are configured for my own user account. I've commented out the scripted #SBATCH
parameters specifying my email address for job notifications and the projects I'm assigned to. You can change this to your own details if you want to speed up job submission. You will either need to be a member of the INOUYE-SL2-GPU
project or else run the TensorQTL shell scritps under a different GPU project that you can assigned with sbatch -A [project] []
Initial cis-eQTL mapping was performed using the Limix Pipeline. Experimental trans-eQTL mapping trialed in Limix, but this was switched to TensorQTL, which has been used for all subsequent analyses.
Scripts for generating covariate and genotype input files are in their own subfolders, please refer to the readme files for details.
TensorQTL is a python package and is called as a module by python scripts. There is a command line implementation, but I have found it to be less reliable and less flexible.
To ensure consistency, I have used a conda environment to load the required packages. The details of this environment are stored in tensorQTL_env.yml. See here for instructions on how to create a conda environment from a YAML file. It may be the case that the required version of TensorQTL is different to the one available on conda, in which case install directly from the TensorQTL github page. The scripts below will not work unless you have created the conda environment.
It is also important when submitting the shell scripts to slurm that you DO NOT have the tensorQTL environment activated on your login node session, as slurm tries to duplicate the environment that you submit the script from, and this can lead to errors.
Current-generation scripts are named with 3_#
prefix, for the third iteration of the analysis pipeline.
Scripts are as follows:
- 3_0_make_annotation_file_autosomes_plus_x.R: Converts BioMart annotation file into the right format for the next step.
- 3_1_make_tensorQTL_input_phase2.R: Output phenotype
files for use in TensorQTL. - Compress and index
files from previous step. - and The python script that runs the cis-eQTL mapping in TensorQTL, and the shell script for submission to CSD3. Cis window is definied as +-1Mb from the TSS of the gene - this is the default for TensorQTL but can be modified by specifying a value for
. - and The corresponding scripts for submitting trans-eQTL mapping.
- 3_5_call_cis_eSNPs.R: annotate cis results with positions and allele information and call eGenes and eSNPs.
Note: Chr X was imputed by Savita for the COVID-19 projects. Fewer individuals are included in the genotype data (I suspect due to call-rate filtering being applied to ChrX only rather than genome-wide). Consequently the sample size is 4038 for ChrX compared to 4140 for the autosomes. It might be possible to find out what happened to these individuals but you'd have to ask Savita, and right now, I don't have time.
All files on CSD3 are currently located in the project folder, /rds/project/jmmh2/rds-jmmh2-projects/interval_rna_seq/
(i.e. not in the GWASqc folder, since they're not yet finalised).
The most up-to-date analysis files are located in analysis/04_phase2_full_analysis
. It's unlikely anything outside this will be hugely relevant.
These files are detailed below:
- 04_phase2_full_analysis: Folder for latest results using recalled phase I & II samples together for a total of ~4k
- phenotypes, covariates, genotypes: input files for TensorQTL. Analysis-ready files are in the root folder, with raw files in raw and files generated during processing in processed.
- results: cis and trans eQTLs stored in separate folders. Files are stored by chromosome:
- cis:
- tensorqtl_cis_MAF0.005_cisPerGene_chr[#].csv: TensorQTL output from
. Lists the most significant variant for every phenotype. Column names are detailed here. - tensorqtl_cis_MAF0.005_cisNominal_chr[#].csv: TensorQTL output from
. Outputs a p-value for every SNP-phenotype pair, but does not correct for multiple testing. - tensorqtl_cis_MAF0.005_cis_chr[#]_significant_eGenes.csv:
output filtered to significant eGenes only - tensorqtl_cis_MAF0.005_cis_chr[#]_significant_eSNPs.csv:
output filtered by pval_nominal_threshold for significant eSNPs in significant eGenes - tensorqtl_cis_MAF0.005_cis_chr22_eQTLgen_comparison.csv & chr22_eqtlgen_zscore_comparison.png: comparison of chr22 cis results to eQTLgen results. Generated with this script.
- tensorqtl_cis_MAF0.005_cisPerGene_chr[#].csv: TensorQTL output from
- trans:
- tensorqtl_trans_MAF0.005_chr[#].csv: output from
- tensorqtl_trans_MAF0.005_chr[#].csv: output from
- cis:
- side_projects: data from related analyses done on an ad hoc basis. This currently includes the mediation analysis and GMPR data extraction.
Where possible, file names are intuitive, but folder contents are broadly as follows:
- analysis: files for the main eQTL mapping analysis
- 00_testing: Early tests of the Limix pipeline, mostly around getting things working
- 01_cis_eqtl_mapping: Limix pipeline cis-eQTL mapping in phase I samples. Some of the subfolders here were originally under the root folder, but have been moved. This will have broken some file paths.
- GENETIC_DATA: (moved from root) genotype data, lifted over from b37 to b38.
- genetic_PCs: (moved from root) genetic PCs for use as covariates
- results: Subfolders for results by covariates included, these were used for pipeline configuration
- ...5GenesPerChunk: final complete cis-eQTL results from Limix (switiching to CSD3 meant a 12 hour limit on jobs, necessitating diving the task into 5-gene chunks).
- 02_trans_eqtl_mapping: preliminary tests of LIMIX trans-eQTL mapping. Abandoned.
- 03_tensorqtl: Initially testing for tensorQTL, evolved into full phase I results.
- results: eQTLs mapped using TensorQTL from the command line
- python_module_method: eQTLs mapped using TensorQTL as a module loaded within python. This worked more consistently. Files are named by covariates adjusted for.
- results: eQTLs mapped using TensorQTL from the command line
- 04_phase2_full_analysis: see start of this section for details
- 05_sv_analysis: structural variant data for INTERVAL. This was indended for testing in TensorQTL but I ran out of time. Eugene Gardener has expresssed an interest in doing the analysis itself.
- covid-19: the short-term ACE2 analysis done for Adam Butterworth. Quick and dirty. Associated scripts are in the covid19 folder
- cram_files: limited number of CRAM files for sample swap testing.
- eQTLgen: Downloaded eQTL results from eQTLgen for positive control tests
- globus_phase2: Initial download of phase II data from globus
- globus_phase2_recalled: Most up-to-date download of phase I and II data from globus. NOTE: This is not all the data. A lot remains on the Sanger system due to file sizes.
- hipsci_pipeline: Marc Jan Bonder's Limix pipeline
- matrix_eQTL: Artika's Phase I matrix eQTL results for comparison purposes
- mediation: Tests of mediation analysis code
- RNAseq: Backup of orignal project folder from cardio cluster
- scripts: Analysis scripts, synced to this repository
- vep: Downloaded files from Enseml Variant Effect Predictor. Never quite got this working, sadly.
Note: No cleanup of files has been done. It is my view that once a finalised set of TensorQTL eQTLs results is available, there is no reason to retain the old results, but I leave this decsion to whoever takes over the project.