A runbook for the PSF, for TUF key setup and initial signing operations to bootstrap signing for PyPI.
yubikey-agent is a seamless ssh-agent for YubiKeys.
The European Digital Identity Wallet
A dockerised lab environment for the development of a digital wallet
This is a public comment environment for the IDPro body of knowledge.
Tech demo: WebAuthn `prf` extension as password manager encryption backend
Internet Identity, a blockchain authentication system for the Internet Computer
OpenID Certified™ OpenID Connect Relying Party implementation for Apache HTTP Server 2.x
FIDO2 .NET library for FIDO2 / WebAuthn Attestation and Assertion using .NET
Server-side Web Authentication library for Java
Web Authentication: An API for accessing Public Key Credentials
geneh / bell-oidc
Forked from hapijs/bellThird-party login plugin for hapi
The Simple, Secure Framework Developers Trust
The Reactive Extensions for JavaScript
Swagger UI is a collection of HTML, JavaScript, and CSS assets that dynamically generate beautiful documentation from a Swagger-compliant API.
Examples and server integrations for generating the Swagger API Specification, which enables easy access to your REST API
Ember.js - A JavaScript framework for creating ambitious web applications
A Node.js web app using OpenID Connect authentication with Azure AD v2.0
The code for Passport Azure AD has been moved to the MSAL.js repo. Please open any issues or PRs at the link below.