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#Navigation drawer (library)

It requires 14+ API and android support v7 23.2.1 (AppCompatActivity + Toolbar)

###Special thanks :D Jacob A. Moura for all his ideas, dedication, time and help.
You are part of this project.

###Sample Application

Android app on Google Play

Android Arsenal

How to use? Very simple! : D

#If you want, check versions before

Change Log
Log file

#How to add to your project


dependencies {
        compile ''



In your styles.xml choose your version:

<!--Customize here the subject of your application-->
    <style name="myTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar">
        <!-- Customize your theme here. -->
        <item name="colorPrimary">@color/nliveo_blue_colorPrimary</item>
        <item name="colorPrimaryDark">@color/nliveo_blue_colorPrimaryDark</item>
        <item name="colorAccent">@color/nliveo_blue_colorPrimaryDark</item>
<!--Here will be the theme of the class that will extends NavigationLiveo-->
    <style name="nLiveoDrawer" parent="Theme.nLiveo">
        <!-- Customize your theme here. -->
        <item name="colorPrimary">@color/nliveo_blue_colorPrimary</item>
        <item name="colorPrimaryDark">@color/nliveo_blue_alpha_colorPrimaryDark</item>
        <item name="colorAccent">@color/nliveo_blue_colorPrimaryDark</item>

Also there is nLiveo.Theme.Light theme

Available colors

note: colorPrimaryDark property theme "nLiveoDrawer" should receive a color with alpha eg # 80RRGGBB - The "# 80" will ensure the transparency of statusBar.

Remember to set your theme in your AndroidManifest.xml:

    <!--Theme of your application-->
        android:theme="@style/myTheme" >
    <!--Theme of the class that will extends NavigationLiveo-->        
            android:theme="@style/nLiveoDrawer" //This is only necessary if using the NavigationLiveo

#In your Activity...

Create a class and it extends the NavigationLiveo and implement the br.liveo.interfaces.OnItemClickListener.

Ex: public class MainActivity extends NavigationLiveo implements OnItemClickListener {

###Do not use the method "onCreate" and "setContentView" of your Activity, you will use the method "onInt"

In the method "onInt" inform the items on your list

    private HelpLiveo mHelpLiveo;

    public void onInt(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        // User Information
        this.userName.setText("Rudson Lima");
        this.userEmail.setText("[email protected]");

        // Creating items navigation
        mHelpLiveo = new HelpLiveo();
        mHelpLiveo.add(getString(R.string.inbox), R.drawable.ic_inbox_black_24dp, 7);
        mHelpLiveo.addSubHeader(getString(R.string.categories)); //Item subHeader
        mHelpLiveo.add(getString(R.string.starred), R.drawable.ic_star_black_24dp);
        mHelpLiveo.add(getString(R.string.sent_mail), R.drawable.ic_send_black_24dp);
        mHelpLiveo.add(getString(R.string.drafts), R.drawable.ic_drafts_black_24dp);
        mHelpLiveo.addSeparator(); // Item separator
        mHelpLiveo.add(getString(R.string.trash), R.drawable.ic_delete_black_24dp);
        mHelpLiveo.add(getString(R.string.spam), R.drawable.ic_report_black_24dp, 120);

        //with(this, Navigation.THEME_DARK). add theme dark
        //with(this, Navigation.THEME_LIGHT). add theme light

        with(this) // default theme is dark
                .startingPosition(2) //Starting position in the list
                .footerItem(R.string.settings, R.drawable.ic_settings_black_24dp)

In the method "onItemClick" you can get the position of the clicked item and the layout that you must inform the replace is the library

    @Override //The "" should be used in "beginTransaction (). Replace"
    public void onItemClick(int position) {
        FragmentManager mFragmentManager = getSupportFragmentManager();
        Fragment mFragment = new FragmentMain().newInstance(mHelpLiveo.get(position).getName());

        if (mFragment != null){
            mFragmentManager.beginTransaction().replace(, mFragment).commit();

User OnPrepareOptionsMenu onClick - Inform the listener in .setOnPrepareOptionsMenu(onPrepare) method in onInit ();

    private OnPrepareOptionsMenuLiveo onPrepare = new OnPrepareOptionsMenuLiveo() {
        public void onPrepareOptionsMenu(Menu menu, int position, boolean visible) {

User photo onClick - Inform the listener in .setOnClickUser(onClickPhoto) method in onInit ();

    private View.OnClickListener onClickPhoto = new View.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View v) {

Footer onClick - Inform the listener in .setOnClickFooter(onClickFooter) method in onInit ();

    private View.OnClickListener onClickFooter = new View.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View v) {


Ubora Institute's Quality Improvement App







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