General instructions for installing, building and running the PebblePointer apps.
These directions are written with an Linux-as-dev-system perspective. This code was developed and tested on a Nexus-7 2nd Gen.
It is assumed that you have installed -- the Pebble SDK, and the Android SDK with Eclipse installed
Create new workspace (optional) assume: ~/workspace mkdir ~/workspace cd ~/workspace
Checkout PebblePointer from github git clone
Start Eclipse and "Switch Workspace" to new workspace
[File]-->[Switch Workspace]-->[other] { navigate to your workspace } [OK]
Import PEBBLE_KIT project into Eclipse.
[File]-->[Import]-->[Android]-->[Existing Android Code Into Workspace]-->[Next] [Browse] { pebble-dev/PebbleSDK-2.2/PebbleKit-Android/PebbleKit } [OK]
Be sure "Project to Import" is checked for PEBBLE_KIT.
You should now see "PEBBLE_KIT" listed in Package Explorer in Eclipse.
Import the Android app project.
[File]-->[Import]-->[Android]-->[Existing Android Code Into Workspace]-->[Next] [Browse] { ~/workspace/PebblePointer/android-app } [OK]
Be sure "Project to Import" is checked for MainActivity.
You should now see "MainActivity" listed in Package Explorer in Eclipse.
If you see an red X by the src directory, then do the following
In the "Package Explorer", select MainActivity so it is hi-lited. [Project]-->[Properties]-->[Android] If you see a red X in the Reference box, then Select and [Remove] it. [Add], select "PEBBLE_KIT", then [OK] [Apply] then [OK]
Else skip this step.
You should now be able to build and load (debug) the Android app on your target system.
From a command shell, navigate to { ~/workspace/Pebble/watch-app }
Review the "" file
, which will do a build, load and go sequence for the watch app. SetPEBBLE_IP
to the IP address of your target Android device which is bound to your Pebble watch.