Shared wordlists used for common subdomains , directory bruteforcing etc.
Added files and exploits lists from nuclei templates
Report | Description |
words_and_files_and_exploits.txt | all words/exploits and files with extentions |
words_and_files.txt | words and files with extentions |
words_without_ext.txt | words without extentions |
words_and_files_small.txt | smaller list < 15K |
exploits.txt | Only URL based exploits |
dotfiles.txt | Only dotfiles (configs etc.) |
big_subdomain_wordlist.txt | useful for creating subdomain bruteforce list for massdns |
cat wordlist1.txt wordlist2.txt | sort -uf > wordlist_combined.txt
go get
FFuF Scan with Auto Calibration -ac
ffuf -w wordlists/words_and_files.txt -u -H 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:82.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/82.0' -of csv -o -r -mc 200,301,403,405 -ac