Build process GitHub To clone the object into your computer, enter:
$ git clone
(This project is in a private repository, therefore you can only do this if you are invited)
APK file There are two .apk files in the One development and one orginal .apk. Send that .apk file you want to your email and download it into your android phone, and install. With the development .apk you can do a simulated bus trip.
Terminal First thing you have to do is make sure that you have Gradle installed and a device connected (either a virtual device or other android phone). Make your way into the the project root(enter /your/path/spoti5/EcoBussing).
To build project enter:
$ gradle build
To install the application into your plugged-in device, enter:
$ gradle installDebug
To uninstall the application from your plugged-in device, enter:
$ gradle uninstallDebug
Android studio Open Android Studio, if “Welcome to Android Studio” window is active, press open existing project and go to wherever you have put it.
If you already have started Android Studio, press File > Open > (find the project and open) Make sure to open the EcoBussing folder when opening in Android studio.
If you want to see diagrams in a profile, log in with Et-mannen or search for him.
Username: [email protected]
Password: Qwertyu
To try our devmode and simulate a trip you have to switch branch. You do this by:
$ git fetch origin dev:dev
$ git checkout dev
All documentation files are in the folder "Documentation"
- Emil Axelsson - emiilax
- Johannes Hildén - hildenjohannes
- Matilda Horppu - MatildaHorppu
- Erik Karlkvist - ErikKarlkvist
- Hampus Rönström - ClausX