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svFSIplus is an open-source, parallel, finite element multi-physics solver.


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Table of Contents

Building the svFSIplus Program from Source
Building with External Linear Algebra Packages
Running the svFSIplus Program
Docker Container


svFSIplus is an open-source, parallel, finite element multi-physics solver providing capabilities to simulate the partial differential equations (PDEs) governing solid and fluid mechanics, diffusion, and electrophysiology. Equations can be solved coupled to simulate the interaction between multiple regions representing different physical systems. For example, in a coupled fluid-solid simulation the motion of the fluid can deform a solid region while the changing geometry of the solid region changes the way the fluid flows. Equation coupling provides a framework for the computational modeling of whole heart dynamics.

svFSIplus is a C++ implementation of the Fortran svFSI multi-physics finite element solver designed for computational modeling of the cardiovascular system. The C++ implementation is essentially a line-by-line translation of the svFSI Fortran code and therefore uses a procedural rather than an object oriented programming paradigm. The code will be incrementally refactored into an object oriented code.

The SimVascular svFSIplus Documentation provides documentation describing how to use the svFSIplus solver. It also has developer guide describing the code organization and some implementation details.

The svFSIplus Internal Code Documentation provides documentation of the svFSIplus source code. It is automatically generated using Doxygen.


The preferred way to use svFSIplus on an HPC system, is to take advantage of the provided Docker container, which include the latest version of svFSIplus pre-compiled. To use this option, Docker must be installed first. Please refer to [Docker webpage]( to know more about Docker and how to install it on your machine. The following steps describe how to build a Docker image or pull an existent one from DockerHub, and how to run a Docker container. The last section is a brief guide to perform the same steps but in Singularity, since HPC systems usually use Singularity to handle containers.

Docker image

A Docker image is a read-only template that may contain dependencies, libraries, and everything needed to run a program. It is like a snapshot of a particular environment. A Docker image can be created directly from a dockerfile or an existent image can be pulled from DockerHub. For this repository, both options are available. The latest version of svFSIplus program is pre-compiled in a Docker image, built from a dockerfile provided in Docker/solver. The Docker image includes two different type of builds, one where the solver is compiled with Trilinos and the other one where the solver is compiled with PETSc. This Docker image can be downloaded (pulled) from the dockerhub simvascular repository simvascular/solver. To pull an image, run the command:

docker pull simvascular/solver:latest

Note that this image was built for AMD64 (x86) architecture, and it will not work on other architectures such as ARM64 (AArch64, also note that the Apple M-series processors are based on ARM-type architectures). In this case, the image has to be built from the provided dockerfile. Please refer to the README inside Docker/ folder for more information on how to build images from the provided dockerfiles.

Docker container

A Docker container is a running instance of a Docker image. It is a lightweight, isolated, and executable unit. Once the image is created, it can be run interactively by running the following command:

docker run -it -v FolderToUpload:/NameOfFolder solver:latest

In this command:

  • -it: means run interactively Docker image
  • -v: mounts a directory 'FolderToUpload' from the host machine in the container where the directory has the name '/NameOfFolder'. For example the folder containing the mesh and the input file necessary to run a simulation should be mounted. Once inside the container we can move into the folder jsut mounted and run the simulation, for example with the following command:
mpirun -n 4 /build-trilinos/svFSIplus-build/bin/svfsiplus svFSIplus.xml

The previous command will run the solver on 4 processors using the input file svFSIplus.xml and the mesh in the folder 'FolderToUpload' mounted inside the container. As an example if we want to run the test case in tests/cases/fluid/pipe_RCR_3d we can proceed as follows:

docker run -it -v ~/full_path_to/tests/cases/fluid/pipe_RCR_3d:/case solver:latest 

Now we are inside the container and we run the simulation:

cd /case
mpirun -n 4 /build-trilinos/svFSIplus-build/bin/svfsiplus svFSIplus.xml

once it finishes we can exit the container and the results will be saved inside the tests/cases/fluid/pipe_RCR_3d folder. If you encounter permission problems while running mpirun, try this:

mpirun --allow-run-as-root -n 4 /build-trilinos/svFSIplus-build/bin/svfsiplus svFSIplus.xml

Containers on HPC: Singularity

Most of the HPC systems (if not all) are based on AMD64 architecture and the solver image can be directly pulled from simvascular/solver. First of all, make sure the singularity module is loaded on the HPC system. Then, pull the solver image (it is recommended to run the following command on the compute node for example through an interactive job):

singularity pull docker://simvascular/solver:latest

After the pull is complete, you should have a file with extension .sif (solver image). This image contains the two executables of the svFSIplus program build with PETSc and Trilinos support, respectively. In the following, we provide two example of job submission's scripts that can be used as a reference to run a simulation using the svFSIplus solver on an HPC cluster.

  1. single-node job script:
#SBATCH --job-name
#SBATCH --output
#SBATCH --partition
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=
#SBATCH --mem=0 
#SBATCH -t 48:00:00

NTASKS = # number of tasks
FOLDER_TO_BIND1 = # path to folder to bind to the container (it will be accessible to the container)
FOLDER_TO_BIND2 = # path to folder to bind to the container (it will be accessible to the container)
PATH_TO_IMAGE = # full path to image, including the image name (*.sif file)

# For single node, no modules should be loaded to avoid incongruences between HPC and containers environments
module purge

singularity run --bind $FOLDER_TO_BIND1, $FOLDER_TO_BIND2, # and so on \
mpirun -n $NTASKS /build-trilinos/svFSIplus-build/bin/svfsiplus svFSIplus.xml
  1. multi-node job script
#SBATCH --job-name
#SBATCH --output
#SBATCH --partition
#SBATCH --nodes
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node
#SBATCH --mem
#SBATCH -t 00:00:00

# The following 'export' may not work on all the HPC systems
export UCX_TLS=ib
export PMIX_MCA_gds=hash
export OMPI_MCA_btl_tcp_if_include=ib0

NTASKS = # number of tasks
FOLDER_TO_BIND1 = # path to folder to bind to the container (it will be accessible to the container)
FOLDER_TO_BIND2 = # path to folder to bind to the container (it will be accessible to the container)
PATH_TO_IMAGE = # full path to image, including the image name (*.sif file)

module purge
# Load here all the modules necessary to use the HPC MPI, for example: module load openmpi

mpirun -n $NTASKS singularity run --bind $FOLDER_TO_BIND1, $FOLDER_TO_BIND2, # and so on \
/build-trilinos/svFSIplus-build/bin/svfsiplus svFSIplus.xml

Since the multi-node relies on both MPI, the one on the HPC and the one inside the container, there may be some problems. In the following, we give a solution (workaround) for two common problems:

  • if the HPC OpenMPI was built with cuda support, then it may happen that it is expecting that OpenMPI inside the container to be built with cuda support too, which is not the case. Possible solution is to add --mca mpi_cuda_support 0:
mpirun --mca mpi_cuda_support 0 -n #TotalNumberOfTasks ... 
  • if for some reason, it is complaining about not finding 'munge' then add --mca psec ^munge:
mpirun --mca psec ^munge -n #TotalNumberOfTasks ... 

Building the svFSIplus Program from Source

The svFSIplus program can be compiled and linked from the GitHub source using a CMake build process. The build process creates a binary executable file named svfsiplus.

Supported Platforms

svFSIplus can be built on most Unix-like operating systems

  • MacOS
  • Ubuntu
  • CentOS

A native Windows build is currently not supported. However, svFSIplus can be built and run from an Ubuntu terminal environment on Windows using Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL).

Software Dependencies

The following software packages are required to be installed in order to build svFSIplus

  • git - Distributed version control system used to interact with GitHub repositories
  • CMake - Used to the build the binary executable svfsiplus
  • C++17 compiler - C++ compiler, linker and libraries
  • Visualization Toolkit (VTK) - Used for reading and writing VTK-format VTP and VTU files
  • Open MPI - Used for parallel processing
  • BLAS - Used for performing basic vector and matrix operations (optional but may be needed for external linear algebra packages)
  • LAPACK - Used for solving systems of simultaneous linear equations (optional but may be needed for external linear algebra packages)

These software packages are installed using a package-management system

Installing VTK on a high-performance computing (HPC) cluster is typically not supported and may require building it from source. See Building Visualization Toolkit (VTK) Libraries.

Building svFSIplus

svFSIplus is built using the following steps

  1. Download the source from GitHub

    git clone

    Creates an svFSIplus directory.

  2. Create a build directory and change directories to it

    mkdir build
    cd build
  3. Execute the build

    cmake ../svFSIplus

    This creates the svfsiplus binary executable located in


Building Visualization Toolkit (VTK) Libraries

svFSIplus uses VTK to read finite element mesh data (created by the SimVascular mesh generation software), fiber geometry, initial conditions and write simulation results. Building the complete VTK library requires certain graphics libraries to be installed (e.g. OpenGL, X11) which make it difficult to build on an HPC cluster.

However, a subset of the complete VTK library can be built to just include reading/writing functionality without graphics.

The following steps demonstrate how to build local VTK libraries in the /user/shared/vtk directory from the source downloaded from

mkdir /user/shared/vtk
cd /user/shared/vtk
tar xvf VTK-9.3.1.tar.gz 
mkdir build
cd build
      -DVTK_Group_Rendering=OFF \
      -DVTK_Group_StandAlone=OFF \
      -DModule_vtkChartsCore=ON \
      -DModule_vtkCommonCore=ON \
      -DModule_vtkCommonDataModel=ON \
      -DModule_vtkCommonExecutionModel=ON \
      -DModule_vtkFiltersCore=ON \
      -DModule_vtkFiltersFlowPaths=ON \
      -DModule_vtkFiltersModeling=ON \
      -DModule_vtkIOLegacy=ON \
      -DModule_vtkIOXML=ON \
      -DVTK_GROUP_ENABLE_Imaging=NO \
      -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/user/shared/vtk/install \
make -j4
make install

These commands will create the following directories under /user/shared/vtk/install

bin/ include/ lib/ share/

You can then build svFISplus with the local VTK libraries using the two CMake command-line arguments that sets the option to use a local VTK build and the location of the build

-DSV_USE_LOCAL_VTK=ON  -DSV_VTK_LOCAL_PATH=/user/shared/vtk/install 

Building with External Linear Algebra Packages

Numerical linear algebra uses computer algorithms to solve the linear system generated by finite element method. Linear algebra libraries provide access to specialized or general purpose routines implementing a significant number of computer algorithms useful when solving linear systems.

svFSIplus supports interfaces to the following numerical linear algebra packages

These packages may be not be available for the latest version using a package-management system or be available on an HPC cluster so they must be built from source.

Building svFSIplus with External Linear Algebra Packages

The following CMake command-line arguments are used to build svFSIplus with external linear algebra packages

-DSV_USE_TRILINOS:BOOL=ON - Sets an option for CMake to look for the Trilinos package
-DSV_PETSC_DIR:PathToPetsInstall - Sets the location where the PETSc package is installed

When built with an external linear algebra package svFSIplus can be run using that package by setting the Linear_algebra parameter in the solver input file. For example: PETSc

<Linear_algebra type="petsc" >
  <Preconditioner> petsc-rcs </Preconditioner>

For example: Trilinos

<Linear_algebra type="trilinos" >
  <Preconditioner> trilinos-ilut </Preconditioner>

Building Trilinos

To build Trilinos first download the source

git clone

Then follow the Trilinos build instructions.

When building select the following third-party libraries (TPLs)


and the following Trilinos packages


Building PETSc

PETSc libraries can be installed using package managers.

See the Quick Start Tutorial for building from source.

Running the svFSIplus Program

Once the svfsiplus binary is available add its location to your environment variable (PATH on Unix-like systems). The svfsiplus binary is run from the command line with the name of a input solver parameters XML file as an argument

svfsiplus fluid3d.xml

The simulation progress for each time step will be printed showing various solver convergence measures

 Eq     N-i     T       dB  Ri/R1   Ri/R0    R/Ri     lsIt   dB  %t
 NS 1-1  2.790e-01  [0 1.000e+00 1.000e+00 6.522e-12]  [157 -258 82]
 NS 1-2  8.890e-01  [-57 1.373e-03 1.373e-03 3.007e-11]  [253 -99 92]
 NS 1-3  1.067e+00  [-125 5.082e-07 5.082e-07 1.680e-05]  [117 -110 74]
 NS 1-4  1.114e+00  [-197 1.304e-10 1.304e-10 6.799e-02]  [7 -27 2]
 NS 1-5  1.170e+00  [-221 8.863e-12 8.863e-12 1.000e+00]  !0 0 0!
 NS 2-1  2.341e+00  [0 1.000e+00 2.856e+01 7.250e-14]  [504 -124 96]
 NS 2-2  2.580e+00  [-75 1.586e-04 4.529e-03 2.002e-09]  [143 -200 81]
 NS 2-3  2.771e+00  [-146 4.871e-08 1.391e-06 6.319e-06]  [123 -120 75]
 NS 2-4  2.820e+00  [-216 1.483e-11 4.235e-10 1.781e-02]  [11 -40 6]
 NS 2-5s 2.894e+00  [-251 2.642e-13 7.547e-12 1.000e+00]  !0 0 0!

A directory named 1-procs containing the simulation results output will be created

B_NS_Pressure_average.txt       histor.dat                      stFile_last.bin
B_NS_Velocity_flux.txt          result_002.vtu
B_NS_WSS_average.txt            stFile_002.bin

A simulation can be run in parallel on four processors using

mpiexec -np 4 svfsiplus fluid3.xml

In this case a directory named 4-procs containing the simulation results output will be created. Results from different processors will be combined into a single file for a given time step.


svFSIplus is an open-source, parallel, finite element multi-physics solver.







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  • C++ 81.9%
  • Jupyter Notebook 6.0%
  • Python 4.3%
  • CMake 3.8%
  • Fortran 2.1%
  • Makefile 1.1%
  • Other 0.8%