This project was generated with Angular CLI version 9.0.5.
Here is a guide on how to use Phoenix Library for building an event display application.
Set up the environment and create a default angular application with
ng new app-name --style=scss --routing=true
npm i three dat.gui @tweenjs/tween.js @angular/animations @angular/cdk @angular/material
npm i phoenix-library
In your src/app/app.module.ts, at the top add the following import:
import {PhoenixLibraryModule} from 'phoenix-library';
And add that module to the imports array declarations:
imports: [
In your src/styles.scss, add:
@import "~phoenix-library/index.scss";
Now you are all set to use the library components on your app. Start by replacing the content of your src/app/app.component.html with the following:
<phoenix-experiment-info experiment="atlas"></phoenix-experiment-info>
Note that you can remove the experiment-info component if you don't want to display an overlay with the experiment logo.