ECMA project (MPRO Course)
To build this project, the only depedancy that you will need is CMake (3.0). The project is only known for now to compile on MacOs and Linux. If you have any problem to compile on thoses platforms, let us know.
You will need an internet connection to build this project as it will fetch and install inside the project dir other dependancies such as gflags, glog and gtest, that will allow flagging, logging, and testing. If you need informations about thoses library, there are plenty of documentation on the web.
First, you need to clone the repository :
git clone ecma_project
Then, to build, you have to go inside build and launch cmake :
cd ecma_project/build
cmake .. -DCPLEX_ROOT_DIR={Path to your version of CPLEX (without the last "cplex")}
for example, one can launch :
cmake .. -DCPLEX_ROOT_DIR=/Applications/CPLEX_Studio1261/
and then, compile :
and then, to launch a simulation you can for example launch from the build/ dir :
./ecma_launcher --instance=../instances/projet_5_8_8.dat --solver=frontal -v=4
You can also find more help with :
./ecma_launcher --help
The list of available solver is the following :
- frontal : Launch CPLEX with connexity
- frontalWconnexity : Launch CPLEX without connexity
- warmGreedyFrontal : Greedy Solver + Frontal
- warmAnnealingFrontal : Annealing Solver + Frontal
- greedy : Greedy Solver
- greedyWconnexity : Greedy Solver without connexity
- constraint : Constraint Solver (CP)
- annealing : Annealing solver starting with one 1 somewhere
- annealing1 : Annealing solver starting with full 1
- test : Algorthm for this porblem GreedyWconnexity + Connexification + Annealing