Triton backend that enables pre-process, post-processing and other logic to be implemented in Python.
This repository contains tutorials and examples for Triton Inference Server
NVIDIA® TensorRT™ is an SDK for high-performance deep learning inference on NVIDIA GPUs. This repository contains the open source components of TensorRT.
The Triton Inference Server provides an optimized cloud and edge inferencing solution.
A General Toolbox for Identifying Object Detection Errors
An easy to use PyTorch to TensorRT converter
A project that optimizes OWL-ViT for real-time inference with NVIDIA TensorRT.
[CVPR 2022] Official Pytorch code for OW-DETR: Open-world Detection Transformer
Convert coco dataset to tfrecord for the tensorflow detection API.
Deep Learning for Camera Calibration and Beyond: A Survey
Fast and Accurate Extrinsic Calibration for Multiple LiDARs and Cameras
Standalone TFRecord reader/writer with PyTorch data loaders
A Collection of LiDAR-Camera-Calibration Papers, Toolboxes and Notes
RelTR: Relation Transformer for Scene Graph Generation:
DockerFile with GPU support for TensorFlow and OpenCV
A PyTorch implementation of D-RISE
Keras documentation, hosted live at
基于TensorFlow2.x实现的YOLOv3,支持在自定义数据集上训练,支持保存为TFLite模型。A tensorflow2 implementation of YOLO_V3(Supports training on custom dataset and saving as tflite models.).
Convert CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 datasets into PNG images
Code for the TCAV ML interpretability project
Google Research
YoloV3 Implemented in Tensorflow 2.0
Command-line program to download videos from and other video sites
End-to-End Object Detection with Transformers
Infrastructures™ for Machine Learning Training/Inference in Production.