Output: https://yesand.glitch.me/
About: NaNoGenMo/2019#101
Source: https://github.com/emmawinston/nanogenmo19
Printable PDF zine: https://cdn.glitch.com/1f4fc3c8-ec13-4f31-902f-4fa9b751046a%2Fyesand.pdf?v=1574340530608
(Print on A4 paper and fold your zine like this - folding tutorial courtesy of Umami Design Studio.)
A two-word, 171,002-word, concrete poetry book.
I started with the placeholder text 'yes, and?', which ultimately became not-at-all-placeholder text (along with some punctuation and some heart emojis. I believe the final word count is 171,002 words, but your guess is probably better than mine.
Made with p5.js.