This README would normally document whatever steps are necessary to get CellTrackProject up and running.
- An API Test restassured and java to test the functionality of the github API
- CellTrackProject 1.0
Last version of maven is needed.
clone repo
cd [pathTo]/
mvn test -P githubTests
verifyStatusCode200 (Verify thay the search of repositories with the API answer 200, the parameters of the call are on the URL)
verifyStatusCode200WithParams (Verify thay the search of repositories with the API answer 200, the parameters of the call are not on the URL, are variables)
verifyOwnerLoginValue (Verify the owner of the repositories of the search)
verifyHasOneItem (Verify that there are only one item per page on the result)
verifyHasMoreThanOneResult (Verify that there are more than one result on the total of the search, but only shows one)
verifyHasTwoItems (Verify that in this case are two items per page on the result)
mvn test -P githubTests2
verifyNeedAuthorization (Verify that to access to the data of a user has to be authenticated)
verifyAuthorizationWorks (Verify that with the username and password can access to the data of an user - NEED FILL THE DATA OF USER AND PASS ON THE CODE)
- Repo owner or admin: [email protected]