A plugin of jQuery-animations that provides tile animations.
jQuery-animations currently supports IE10+, Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Opera.
Sets rows of tiles.
Sets columns of tiles.
Sets animations to tiles, multiple for alternate. You can also use a function to calculate which effect to use. The function should be defined like this.
function func(options, row, col)
return 'effect';
Sets the flag determining the animations of tiles run with different delays. It will be duration / tile count.
Sets the sequence method or custom orders to run the animations of tiles. Available methods:
random: random tiles
randomCols: random columns
randomRows: random rows
lr: left to right
rl: right to left
tb: top to bottom
bt: bottom to top
lrtb: left to right and top to bottom
rlbt: right to left and bottom to top
rltb: right to left and top to bottom
lrtb: left to right and top to bottom
lrbt: left to right and bottom to top
tblr: top to bottom and left to right
btrl: bottom to top and right to left
tblr: top to bottom and left to right
tbrl: top to bottom and right to left
btlr: bottom to top and left to right
Sets groups to separate so that tiles of groups have the same delay time.
Sets the flag determining the animations of tiles run with different duration. It will try to complete all animations of tiles in duration of entire animation.
Basic usage
$('#want-to-animate').animate('tile', {
rows: 2,
cols: 2
$('#want-to-animate').animate('tile', {
rows: 2,
cols: 2,
effect: [
'flyToUp', // for even tile
'flyToDown fadeOut' // for odd tile
Effects by function
$('#want-to-animate').animate('tile', {
rows: 2,
cols: 2,
effect: function(options, row, col) {
if(row == col)
return 'flyToUp';
return 'flyToDown';
$('#want-to-animate').animate('tile', {
rows: 2,
cols: 2,
sequence: [
[0, 0] // tile
], // group, all tiles have same animation in the same group
[[1, 1]],
[[0, 1]],
[[1, 0]]
The project is released under the MIT license.
The project's website is located at https://github.com/emn178/jquery-animations-tile
Author: [email protected]