🎉 Ultimate Emoji Generator library using Skia
- CMake
- Python 2.7
- C11 Compiler
- C++14 Compiler
We officially support building and running on these platforms below, but you can try it on other platforms.
- macOS 10.14 Mojave
- macOS 10.15 Catalina
- Debian 10 Buster
When you build this on macOS, please run the commands below before building.
$ brew install cmake
When you build this on Debian 10 Buster, please run the commands below before building. And, they probably work as well on other Debian versions.
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install git cmake g++ python libfontconfig1-dev \
libx11-dev libxcomposite-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libglu1-mesa-dev freeglut3-dev -y
$ git submodule update --init
$ cmake .
$ make
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "emoji.h"
int main(void) {
EgGenerateParams params;
memset(¶ms, 0, sizeof(params));
params.fText = "絵文\n字。";
params.fWidth = 256;
params.fHeight = 256;
EgGenerateResult result;
if (emoji_generate(¶ms, &result) != EG_OK) {
return -1;
FILE *fp = fopen("./emoji.png", "w");
fwrite(result.fData, result.fSize, 1, fp);
return 0;
See also example
$ clang-format --version
clang-format version 9.0.0 (tags/google/stable/2019-05-14)
$ clang-format -i -style=file src/*.cpp src/*.h
- Google 開発の 2D グラフィックライブラリ Skia の紹介とはじめかた (Japanese)
MIT © Emoji Generator