- WEB Application
- Restful Api's
- Postman File
This Project not full ready for producation I do my best to complete task at the time .
- [Laravel] -Framework
- [Bootstrap] - Interface
- [Mysql] -Database.
Make sure that you installed PHP >=8.0 , Mysql , Nginx or Apache
Install the dependencies and devDependencies and start the server.
git clone https://github.com/emp7eror/Ryalzie_assignment.git
cd Ryalzie_assignment
composer install
cp .env.example .env
nano .env
Create Database and user using phpmyadmin or mysql and edit env file with database credential as below
DB_DATABASE=edit_this // the database name
DB_USERNAME=edit_this// the database username
DB_PASSWORD=edit_this // the database password
getting things ready Please be patient while seeding we will create 100k row and its takes some time.
php artisan key:generate
php artisan migrate
php artisan db:seed
php artisan passport:install
npm install
npm run build
ALl things are done (1 step remaining ) Now feel free to test api using postman file including on Ryalzie_assignment/postman folder Or login and test the web version to do that you should serve laravel for temporary or assign the project to domain and add it to apache
For testing we will serve laravel temporary to do that :
php artisan serve
this command will host the project localy and it return the link you can use For login yoou can use demo user account : email:
Dont Forget use auth when using postman