It works with Wi-Fi connection or Tethering (Wi-Fi Hotspot). No internet connection needed.
Feel free to leave an issue or create a pull request.
Please submit your translation at If your language does not yet exist, create an issue or start a discussion on crowdin.
- Persian by Behzad NjF
- Polish by Atrate and Sebastian Jasiński
- Gujarati and Hindi by mrfoxie
- Arabic by Yazeed AlKhalaf
- Brazilian Portuguese by mezysinc
- Slovak by Tibor Repček
- Turkish by T. E. Kalaycı
- Malayalam by zcraber
- Simplified Chinese by 归零幻想
- Sinhala by Aikatsui
- Italian by Davide Bottasso
- Indonesian by liimee
- French by nesquick
- German by mondstern
- Portuguese by azilara
- Thai by scybernaut
- Android
- Windows
- Linux
- iOS
- MacOS
OR direct download:
The Windows application is not signed, so you may get a 'suspicious application' alert or something like that. Sorry for that.
You can get Sharik for linux from the Snap Store:
sudo snap install sharik-app
// soon flatpak
Or from a PPA:
curl -sS | sudo apt-key add -
echo "deb stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sharik.list
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install sharik
OR direct download:
// soon
This app is built using Flutter. Just clone the repo and build Sharik for yourself!