This repository is a set of extension functionality for estimating the parameters of differential equations using Bayesian methods. It allows the choice of using Stan.jl, Turing.jl, DynamicHMC.jl and ApproxBayes.jl to perform a Bayesian estimation of a differential equation problem specified via the DifferentialEquations.jl interface.
To begin you first need to add this repository using the following command.
using DiffEqBayes
stan_inference(prob::ODEProblem,t,data,priors = nothing;alg=:rk45,
num_samples=1000, num_warmup=1000, reltol=1e-3,
abstol=1e-6, maxiter=Int(1e5),likelihood=Normal,
uses Stan.jl
to perform the Bayesian inference. The
Stan installation process
is required to use this function. The input requires that the function is defined
by a ParameterizedFunction
with the @ode_def
macro. t
is the array of time
and data
is the array where the first dimension (columns) corresponds to the
array of system values. priors
is an array of prior distributions for each
parameter, specified via a Distributions.jl
type. alg
is a choice between :rk45
and :bdf
, the two internal integrators
of Stan. num_samples
is the number of samples to take per chain, and num_warmup
is the number of MCMC warmup steps. abstol
and reltol
are the keyword
arguments for the internal integrator. liklihood
is the likelihood distribution
to use with the arguments from vars
, and vars
is a tuple of priors for the
distributions of the likelihood hyperparameters. The special value StanODEData()
in this tuple denotes the position that the ODE solution takes in the likelihood's
parameter list.
function turing_inference(prob::DiffEqBase.DEProblem,alg,t,data,priors;
likelihood_dist_priors, likelihood, num_samples=1000,
sampler = Turing.NUTS(num_samples, 0.65), syms, kwargs...)
uses Turing.jl to
perform its parameter inference. prob
can be any DEProblem
with a corresponding
choice. t
is the array of time points and data
is the set of
observations for the differential equation system at time point t[i]
(or higher
dimensional). priors
is an array of prior distributions for each
parameter, specified via a
type. num_samples
is the number of samples per MCMC chain. The extra kwargs
are given to the internal differential
equation solver.
σ = 0.01,ϵ=0.001,initial=Float64[])
uses DynamicHMC.jl to
perform the bayesian parameter estimation. prob
can be any DEProblem
, data
is the set
of observations for our model which is to be used in the Bayesian Inference process. priors
represent the
choice of prior distributions for the parameters to be determined, passed as an array of Distributions.jl distributions. t
is the array of time points. transformations
is an array of Tranformations imposed for constraining the
parameter values to specific domains. initial
values for the parameters can be passed, if not passed the means of the
are used. ϵ
can be used as a kwarg to pass the initial step size for the NUTS algorithm.
abc_inference(prob::DEProblem, alg, t, data, priors; ϵ=0.001,
distancefunction = euclidean, ABCalgorithm = ABCSMC, progress = false,
num_samples = 500, maxiterations = 10^5, kwargs...)
uses ApproxBayes.jl which uses Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC) to
perform its parameter inference. prob
can be any DEProblem
with a corresponding
choice. t
is the array of time points and data[:,i]
is the set of
observations for the differential equation system at time point t[i]
(or higher
dimensional). priors
is an array of prior distributions for each
parameter, specified via a
type. num_samples
is the number of posterior samples. ϵ
is the target
distance between the data and simulated data. distancefunction
is a distance metric specified from the
package, the default is euclidean
. ABCalgorithm
is the ABC algorithm to use, options are ABCSMC
or ABCRejection
ApproxBayes.jl, the default
is the former which is more efficient. maxiterations
is the maximum number of iterations before the algorithm terminates. The extra kwargs
are given to the internal differential
equation solver.
f1 = @ode_def_nohes LotkaVolterraTest1 begin
dx = a*x - x*y
dy = -3*y + x*y
end a
p = [1.5]
u0 = [1.0,1.0]
tspan = (0.0,10.0)
prob1 = ODEProblem(f1,u0,tspan,p)
σ = 0.01 # noise, fixed for now
t = collect(linspace(1,10,10)) # observation times
sol = solve(prob1,Tsit5())
randomized = VectorOfArray([(sol(t[i]) + σ * randn(2)) for i in 1:length(t)])
data = convert(Array,randomized)
bayesian_result_stan = stan_inference(prob1,t,data,priors;num_samples=300,
vars =(StanODEData(),InverseGamma(3,2)))
bayesian_result_turing = turing_inference(prob1,Tsit5(),t,data,priors;num_samples=500)
bayesian_result_hmc = dynamichmc_inference(prob1, data, [Normal(1.5, 1)], t, [bridge(ℝ, ℝ⁺, )])
bayesian_result_abc = abc_inference(prob1, Tsit5(), t, data, [Normal(1.5, 1)];