I consider myself a curiuos being. And being here is a keyword, what is it to be but in a continuous, moving-like process that comes from, well... to be? If you add another e you get a bee 🐝, if you take it away you still get a b. And yes, that was my inner James Joyce taking control of the keyboard.
Why should we be curious? Wrong question. Why are people losing curiosity? Better one. But some of my favorites:
- Are we really going that bad?
- Was it better in the past, or we just see ourselves as the pinnacle of the evolution, so we think we're supposed to be better right now?
- Do you have an opinion before being asked about a topic, or do you make it up as you go because you've been trained for years to answer fast without taking your time?
You know, bees probably don't care about being curious, they just are. Be a bee 🐝.
I like reading books and magazines (ex. wired or mind), playing the piano and guitar (Elton John, The Beatles, Queen, U2, Pink Floyd, ...). I'm interested in the finance world, compound interest, all-weather strategy, the butterfly portfolio; gardening is something i've always been doing without proper know-how (but quite good results); I take notes on podcasts and videos (check out this: blackbox; C.R. Zafón is one of my all-time favorite novelists. I need different "fuels" to run properly. Meditation is good, try it ;)
- 👀 I’m interested in everything (feed me knowledge)
- 🌱 I’m currently learning ML & AI
- 📫 How to reach me...
Here's some lines for you, my fellow sailor of the www!
Deep learning systems aren't magic; they’re just eyes that see hyperplanes of relatedness in high-dimensional vector spaces. The Gig Economy -- Zero HP Lovecraft
The sad thing about artificial intelligence is that it lacks artifice and therefore intelligence. (Jean Baudrillard)