#gr-spacebase - UHF Band Spectrum Sensing for vehicular communications
##Software radio approach to cataloguing TV white space for enabling vehicular communications.
Python 2.7 GNU Radio : https://wiki.gnuradio.org/index.php/InstallingGR
gpsd : http://www.catb.org/gpsd/installation.html (for GPS logging)
This project will be updated over the coming weeks as the modules are built.
Current testing rig is an Ettus Research N210 with WBX daughterboard.
Project Aim : Test different spectrum sensing techinques for UHF channel white space detection whilst the sensing equipment is travelling in a vehicle at speed.
Data Output Info:
json files of each scan pass as well as the corresponding plotted bar charts can be found in the data folder, contained in files which are named after the specified session name.
If no session name is provided on start up, a 'TEST SESSION' will run and no data will be saved.
Antenna Info:
Default Antenna port is set to 'RX2' - 'TX/RX' can be selected via the options passing using '-A'