Install aptly package.
This role requires Ansible 1.5 or higher, and platform requirements are listed in the metadata file.
User should have a custom GPG key, not automatic creation
This role has two test methods :
localy with Vagrant : vagrant up
automaticaly by Travis
To not have a fake gpg key used only for tests, i've add tags for tasks about gpg. These tasks are skipped for Travis tests, but can be tested by Vagrant with proper environment variables :
Vagrant should be used to check the role before push changes to Github.
Follow the possible variables with their default values
# Custom gpg key
aptly_custom_gpg_key_file : False
aptly_custom_gpg_key_id : False
# User settings
aptly_user : aptly
aptly_group : aptly
aptly_user_home : "/var/lib/aptly"
# Software settings
aptly_version : "0.9.5"
aptly_activate_api : False
aptly_gpg_key : E083A3782A194991
aptly_gpg_keyserver : "hkp://" # "hkp://" : timeout
aptly_repository : "deb squeeze main"
# Aptly configuration
aptly_rootdir : "{{ aptly_user_home }}"
aptly_download_concurrency : 4
aptly_download_speed_limit : 0
aptly_architectures : []
aptly_dependency_follow_suggests : False
aptly_dependency_follow_recommends : False
aptly_dependency_follow_all_variants : False
aptly_dependency_follow_source : False
aptly_gpg_disable_sign : False
aptly_gpg_disable_verify : False
aptly_download_source_packages : False
aptly_ppa_distributor_id : "ubuntu"
aptly_ppa_codename : ""
aptly_s3_publish_endpoints : {}
aptly_swift_publish_endpoints : {}
- hosts: servers
- { role: achaussier.aptly }
Alexandre Chaussier (for Infopen company)
- a.chaussier [at] } }}"