This project is used for API/front-end testing of applications. It uses Selenium/RestAssured Framework_ in order to simulate API/front-end tests, as per test specifications. And everything about java of solid base understanding you can find in my repo.
- The structure has a problem in history from the very beginning. So mark src as source root to begin use. If mark JavaExample as source root then you need to unmark it.
Clone this repository using a git client as a first step,mark src as source root. build project
- All browser-related tests are runnable whatever you laptop operation system mac or windows. If the test case is web browser-related and your pc is windows please use the code line : driver=new BrowserSetup().Setup("chrome","windows"); If mac then comments out above line choose following: driver=new BrowserSetup().Setup("chrome","mac");
- For test use :http://localhost:3000.Splease install JSON Server:npm install -g json-server.tart JSON Server:json-server --watch db.json This command will create an initial db.jon in any current folder you running now.
- For test use :http://localhost:7000,please install JSON Server:npm install -g json-server. It’s a great tool to create mock JSON based web services, all it requires is a sample JSON file. It automatically creates GET, POST, PUT, DELETE API endpoints for us.
- **json-server --port 7000 --routes routes.json --watch db1.json **
- For test use :http://localhost:8080,please install JSON Server:npm install -g json-server. It’s a great tool to create mock JSON based web services, all it requires is a sample JSON file. It automatically creates GET, POST, PUT, DELETE API endpoints for us.
- **json-server --port 8080 --routes routes.json --watch db.json **
- or you can download from my repo: then start server by json-server --port 8080 --routes routes.json --watch db.json
- For mock file server,pls goto , npm install mock-file-server.node node_modules/mock-file-server/server.js