I developed and submitted Space Trader in 72 hours to the HUJAM'22 Game Jam.
To play it from browser go here : https://enca.itch.io/space-trader
Higher the risk higher the reward. Your total profit is your score.
Carefully incept the criminal and the item they want to bought.Every desicition you make has its reward and punishment.
If you don't serve the customer you reputation and the danger level in the galaxy will decrease.
If you sell the item to the customer danger level and your reputation will increase.
If the danger level goes up 100 you will lose.
If your reputation goes unter 0 you will lose.
Make sure to keep things in balance to score higher.
You can buy info about the customer for 1000 $ by pressing the middle button.
Note: This repository doesn't include the assets those I don't hold the right to distrubute. You have to acquire the assets to properly run the game in Unity.
Enviroment - Items:
Music and Sounds: