Table of Contents
This project is a wallet website where a regisetered customer can send and receive money from/to other registered customers. Your account number is extracted from the phone number provided by you during registration When you send money to a customer, he/she receives the money and sees the transaction history on his/her dashboard
Creating this project got me more exposed to:
- Debugging
- Team work
- Collaboration
- Database Management
- Authentication
- JavaScript
- Authorization
- Third Party Integration
To get a local copy up and running, follow the steps below.
Python3: Get Python
- Clone this repo
git clone
- Create a virtual environment
python -m venv your_venv_name
- Activate the virtual environment on powershell or cmd
On Bash ('Scripts' for windows, 'bin' for linux)
source your_venv_name/Scripts/activate.csh
- Install project dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Set configurations
set EMAIL_USER=<your-email>
set EMAIL_PASS=<your-generated-password>
set CLOUD_NAME=<your-cloudinary-name>
set API_KEY=<your-cloudinary-api-key>
set API_SECRET=<your-cloudinary-api-secret>
set PDF_KEY=<your-pdf-key>
- Run Flask
flask run
- Open the link generated in the terminal on a browser
Adeniyi Olanrewaju - @iamengrmark - [email protected]
Solomon Great - @B_lovedth - [email protected]
Project Link: Wallet_Platform
This project was made possible by:
- AltSchool Africa School of Engineering
- Solomon Great
- Kuda UI
- Othneil Drew's README Template
- Ileriayo's Markdown Badges
- Get Bootstrap