You should have atleast Java 1.8 version installed on your laptop I have tried to run it only on Windows bash console, but believe it would work correct on Unit systems as well
Commands to run inside project directory:
sbt "clean; test; assembly"
- run modular test and build jar file locally from the project directory
- directory of a built jar file
cat ${oparations_file_path} - | java -jar ${application_file_path}
- run this command to start publishing data to StdIn of your application
java -jar ${application_file_path} < ${oparations_file_path}
- or you can try running this one
Example you can run from the project directory after building .jar:
cat src/main/resources/use-cases.txt - | java -jar target/scala-2.13/nubank-assignment-0.1.jar
Input example:
{"account": {"activeCard": true, "availableLimit": 100}}
{"transaction": {"merchant": "Burger King", "amount": 20, "time": "2019-02-13T11:00:00.000Z"}}
{"transaction": {"merchant": "Habbib's", "amount": 20, "time": "2019-02-13T11:00:01.000Z"}}
{"transaction": {"merchant": "McDonald's", "amount": 20, "time": "2019-02-13T11:01:01.000Z"}}
{"transaction": {"merchant": "Subway", "amount": 20, "time": "2019-02-13T11:01:31.000Z"}}
Output example:
The format of data in the assignment is different and I think that it is a mistake
{"account": {"activeCard": true, "availableLimit": 100}}
- Correct field names pattern (Supported only this field Names)
{"account": {"active-card": true, "available-limit": 225}}
- Incorrect field names pattern