Hello, World
I'm Jing Hui PANG 👋
"Programming is a tool to turn ideas into reality. Use it as an opportunity to unleash creativity and build something remarkable."
As a software engineer, I see programming as more than just a skill; it's a canvas for creativity, a tool to transform the abstract into reality. My journey in tech spans various languages and frameworks, with a focus on crafting innovative solutions that have a tangible impact.
When not immersed in code, you'll find me exploring the rhythmic world of beatboxing, or orchestrating digital symphonies in music production. I believe in a balanced life where passions outside of work fuel my professional creativity.
Dive into my world by visiting my personal website. It's a window into my professional achievements, personal projects, and the occasional beatboxing adventure. For a daily dose of my life, from the coding screens to the beatboxing scenes, check out my Instagram. It's where I share the casual, the quirky, and everything in-between – snapshots of events, behind-the-scenes peeks, and just me being me!
🔮 Elixir Profile
first_name: "Jing Hui",
last_name: "PANG",
bio: "I am in love with Elixir right now",
email: %Email{work: "[email protected]", personal: "[email protected]"},
roles: [
%Role{title: "Software Engineer", inserted_at: ~N[2020-09-14 09:30:00]},
%Role{title: "Beatboxer", inserted_at: ~N[2016-12-01 00:00:00]}
interests: [
%Interest{title: "Coding!"},
%Interest{title: "Working out"},
%Interest{title: "Music production"},
%Interest{title: "Beatboxing"},
%Interest{title: "Sleeping ... :skull:"}
inserted_at: ~N[1999-12-06 00:00:00]
|> set_daily_routine(["code", "workout", "game", "beatbox", "sleep"])