Titanium View with the background image sourced directly from the Android camera.
To access this module from JavaScript, you would do the following:
var androidcamera = require("pw.custom.androidcamera");
The androidcamera variable is a reference to the Module object.
The cameraview takes the same properties and methods as the standard titanium view.
Create a new instance of the camera view. The method takes a dictionary of the following arguments:
- save_location (String) - Directory to save the image in. DEFAULT = "camera". CREATION ONLY.
- useFrontCamera (Boolean) - Use the front camera or not. DEFAULT = false. CREATION ONLY.
- pictureTimeout (Integer) - Integer to indicate how long to wait (milliseconds) before restarting the preview after a picture has been taken. A negative number (or 0) will result in the preview not restarting. DEFAULT = 1000. CREATION ONLY.
- resolutionNamed (Integer) - Resolution for the camera and preview. Use one of these constants. Default is RESOLUTION_LOW. CREATION ONLY.
Capture the image currently on screen and save to the filesystem
Returns a dictionary containing the following:
- path - location of the image on the filesystem
- RESOLUTION_HIGH - Use the highest resolution available on the device
- RESOLUTION_LOW - Use the lowest resolution available on the device
- RESOLUTION_SCREEN - Try to match the views resolution for the picture
- RESOLUTION_480 - Set the resolution to 720*480 (or as close as possible)
- RESOLUTION_720 - Set the resolution to 1280*720 (or as close as possible)
- RESOLUTION_1080 - Set the resolution to 1920*1080 (or as close as possible)
The following permissions need to be added to the manifest tag in tiapp.xml
<!-- Camera Permissions -->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA"/>
<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.camera"/>
<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.camera.autofocus"/>
Then, to use the module in app, do something like the following:
var win = Ti.UI.createWindow({
navBarHidden: true,
fullscreen: true,
win.orientationModes = [Ti.UI.PORTRAIT];
if( Ti.Media.isCameraSupported ) {
var androidcamera = require("pw.custom.androidcamera");
var camera = androidcamera.createCameraView({
save_location: "my_app",
useFrontCamera: true,
pictureTimeout: 200,
resolutionNamed: androidcamera.RESOLUTION_480
var btSnap = Ti.UI.createButton({
title: "Capture",
bottom: "10dp",
height: "80dp",
width: "80dp",
zIndex: 2
btSnap.addEventListener("click", function(){
camera.addEventListener("picture_taken", function(evt){
alert("Image saved to "+evt.path);
win.addEventListener("close", function(){
camera = null;
} else {
alert("No camera found!");
Version 0.6.3: Added the ability to change the desired resolution for the camera (and match it with the preview) when the view is created.
Version 0.6.1: Added ability to restart preview after x number of milliseconds after a picture is taken.
Version 0.5: Removed potential crash when the app is resumed while the camera view is open. Added ability to pick camera when creating view (useFrontCamera).
Michael Browne
- To switch between cameras, remove the current camera from the window, null it and recreate the camera view with the opposite useFrontCamera boolean and add it back to the window.
- Don't forget to check out Jonathon Carter's CameraView for something similar for iOS