This project is a sample project for the Payoneer challenge. Basically, it fetches a list of payment methods from the server and displays them on the checkout screen.
- Model View View-Model (MVVM): This is an architectural pattern to achieve seperation of concerns. Using this pattern, the view part is not aware of the bussiness logic, only observing data chnages to set the UI accordingly.
- Rx-Java: This is the java implementation of reactive-x. This library takes asynchronous/Long running tasks off the main thread to the background.
- Retrofit: This is the defacto library for making network calls on android.
- Java: Java is the programming language used to build this project.
- Mockito: Objects. mocked for unit testing was done using the mockito java library.
- Hilt: Hilt is used to implement dependency injection on the project
Other Libraries Used
- Android View Binding -
- FaceBook Shimmer Laoding -
- Lombok -
- Picasso Image Loading Library -