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The epilot SDK is in beta. Missing features, incomplete documentation and breaking API changes are to be expected!

Quick Start

npm install --save epilot-sdk
import { authorizeWithToken } from 'epilot-sdk/auth';
import entityClient from 'epilot-sdk/entity-client';

// authorize client using an access token
authorizeWithToken(entityClient, '<my_access_token>');

// use epilot client
await entityClient.createEntity('contact', { first_name: 'Example', last_name: 'Contact' });


Updating clients (epilot internal)

To update a client package with a new API definition, you should have made the changes already on the current API repo.

⚠️ Never modify a client openapi.json directly, such approach will most certainly lead to you losing your changes on a future release.

## navigate into you client folder
cd clients/entity-client

## update openapi.json with the new API spec (if already deployed to prod)
npm run openapi

## shortcut: if the desired openapi spec is still deploying, but will be in prod soon.
npm run openapi <path/to/local/openapi.yml>

## build and generate new types
npm run typegen && npm run build

## commit your changes
git commit -am 'chore(entity-client): update client with new spec'

## push, tag & release
## ensure you are only bumping the package your changed & the epilot-sdk.
npx lerna publish

Depending on whether you have publish access to epilot-sdk registry repo or not epilot-sdk may fail with 403, which will leave some unstaged package.json's with a gitHead entry. Feel free to discard those files–the pipeline will pick up the changes an publish the epilot-sdk automatically.


The epilot Javascript SDK is free and open source software. PRs welcome!
