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Tags: equelin/Format-Pester




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Merge pull request #39 from it-praktyk/v1.6.0-devel

Format-Pester v1.6.0


Fixed typo in (#34)

* Fixed typo on


Merge pull request #23 from it-praktyk/v1.4.2_devel

Tests for style rules added, code cleaned, translations corrected


Merge pull request #23 from it-praktyk/v1.4.2_devel

Tests for style rules added, code cleaned, translations corrected


Merge pull request #20 from it-praktyk/master

v.1.4.1 - the corrected commit


Merge pull request #19 from it-praktyk/master

The project updated, example added to Format-Pester v. 1.4.1


Merge pull request #18 from it-praktyk/v.1.4

Correction for uncorrectly displayed Polish chars and PScribo object dump added


Repeated sections in code merged, internationalization capabilities a…

…dded (#10)

* Aliases replaced with full commands, output redirection changed

* The new parameters for skip sections implemented

* Context for mocked test fulfilled.

* Grouped output by Describe and Context implemented

* Demo functions and tests added

* The new parameters for skipping sub-results and grouping added, help updated

* The screenshot updated

* Test, context'Parameters checking', corrected

* Invoke tests only from the tests sub-folder - needed due to added demo tests

* Code partially prepared to merge failed/passed sections

* Sections for passed/failed tests merged, informative strings prepared to be moved outside of main code

* Format-Pester prepared to be localized to other languages

* Verbose message for passed tests corrected, TODO updated

* Information about license corrected, TODO updated, small correction

* Help generated by PlatyPS added

* Information about translation added, some mistakes corrected

* link to online help corrected (?)

* link correction - next try

* Headers corrected

* tabs replaced with spaces

* The module manifest updated - number increased, info about file versioning added

* Fallback to en-US language added, verifying versions of translations also, en-US translation updated

* old screenshot removed, the new - aligned to version 1.2.0 - added

* updated - mostly the section: information for translators
online help - generated by platyPS - aligned to v. 1.2.0

* Examples added, updated with info about that

* A line split corrected for NOTES / LICENSE

* Small corrections

* The module version,  required version of PowerShell, licenseuri corrected

* The language files for v. 1.3.0
- pl-PL added
- en-US corrected

* Tests for translations

* Small grammar correction

* Aliases replaced by full cmdlets names

* The module version for example corrected, info for translators updated due to added Pester test for translations

* Correction for translation to Polish

* 0.2.0 - 2016-08-02 - Checking if null/empty strings are used, messages for failed tests improved

* Information about translations updated

* tabs chars replaced with 4 spaces

* 0.3.0 - 2016-08-09 - Names of variables used in code generalized, base names located at the beginning of code

* 1.3.1 - 2016-08-14
 - added explicit Throw for null or empty PesterResult parameter
 - verbose messages updated
 - validateSet for the Format paarmeter added/uncommented
 - names in code cleaned

* Correction from previous - unsaved changes for verbose translations

* post-rebase clanup