based on HTC Pyramid Source 3.0.16
erasmux / nexus-s
Forked from netarchy/nexus-snetarchy-nexus, based on the samsung nexus s kernel source
Linux kernel for the HTC Hero
Linux kernel for the HTC Hero
erasmux / android_packages_inputmethods_LatinIME
Forked from CyanogenMod/android_packages_inputmethods_LatinIMEWebkit for Android (CyanogenMod)
netarchy-nexus, based on the samsung nexus s kernel source
Android policies (cyanogenmod)
Floyo hero device
Android Gallery3D Application
CMParts with Floyo customizations
CyanogenMod Android vendor tree with floyo customizations
Android base frameworks (cyanogenmod) with customizations for Floyo. The froyo-ASOP and eclair-ASOP branches include RTL fixes for ASOP based platfroms such as sense.
Elemag / cm-kernel
Forked from CyanogenMod/cm-kernelCyanogenMod Linux Kernel
Kernel for Hero based on offical HTC sources
Android Gallery3D Application
Webkit for Android (CyanogenMod)
CyanogenMod / android_frameworks_policies_base
Forked from nobunobuta/android_frameworks_policies_baseAndroid policies (cyanogenmod)
CyanogenMod Android vendor tree