Andrew N. Sloss, Dominic Symes, Chris Wright 저
Morgan Kaufmann · 2004년 04월 08일 출간
ARM 코어의 동작 원리를 이해한다.
ARM 코어의 동작 원리를 이해하고, C와 어셈블리 예제를 통해 ARM 프로세서를 제어하는 방법을 익힌다.
▶(folded), ▼(unfolded)
CISC vs RISC, RISC Design Philosophy(instructions, pipelines, registers, load-store architecture), ARM Design Philosophy
Embedded System Hardware(ARM processor, controller, peripheral, bus), ARM Bus Technology(master-slave, AMBA Bus Protocol), Memory(Hierarchies, Memory Width)
Embedded System Software(Boot loader, Operating System, Application Software)
ARM Core Dataflow(Instruction Decoder, Sign Extend, Register File, Barrel Shifter, MAC, ALU, Address Register, Incrementer)
General Purpose Registers: 16 Data Registers(Stack Pointer, Link Register, Program Counter), 2 Process Status Registers(cpsr, spsr)
20 Banked Registers(Fast Interrupt Request, Interrupt Request, Supervisor, Abort, Undefined)
Current Program Status Register(Condition flags, Interrupt Masks, Thumb state, Processor mode)
Pipeline, Interrupt, Extensions
Pipeline, Pipeline Executing Characteristics
Exceptions, Interrupts, Vector Table
Core Extensions: Cache, Tightly Coupled Memory, Memory Management Hardware(MPU, MMU), Coprocessor
Suffix s(Update Condition Flags), Move Instructions(MOV, MVN), Barrel Shifter(LSL, LSR, ASR, ROR, RRX)
Arithmetic Instructions(ADC, ADD, RSB, RSC, SBC, SUB), Logical Instructions(AND, ORR, EOR, BIC)
Multiply Instructions(MLA, MUL), Long Multiply Instructions(SMLAL, SMULL, UMLAL, UMULL)
Branch, Load-Store Instructions
Branch Instructions(B, BL, BX, BLX)
Single-Register Transfer(LDR, STR, LDRB, STRB, LDRH, STRH, LDRSB, LDRSH), Addressimg Mode(Preindex with writeback, Preindex, Postindex)
Multiple-Register Transfer(LDM, STM), Addressimg Mode(IA, IB, DA, DB), Stack Operations(FA, FD, EA, ED)
SWI, Program Status Register Instructions, ARMv5E Extensions
Software Interrupt Instruction(SWI), Software Interrupt Handler
Program Status Register Instructions(MRS, MSR), Coprocessor Instructions(CDP, MRC, MCR, LDC, STC)
Loading Constants(LDR, ADR), Conditional Execution
ARMv5E Extensions: Counting Leading Zeros(CLZ), Saturated Arithmetic(QADD, QDADD, QSUB, QDSUB), Signed Multiply Instructions (SMLAxy, SMLALxy, SMLAWy, SMULxy, SMULWy)
C Compiler, Data Types, Looping Structures
Efficient C Data Types(Local Variable, Function Argument, Division)
Looping Constructs(Fixed Number of Iterations, Variable Number of Iterations, Loop Unrolling)
Register Allocation, Function Calls, Aliasing
Spilled Variable, Argument Registers, General Variable Registers
Optimizing Function Calls, Pointer Aliasing
Alignment, Endian, Division, Inline Assembly
Structure Alignment(Reordering, Padding), Endianness(Big-endian, Little-endian)
Division(cycles, avoiding division)
Inline Functions, Inline Assembly
Assembly Function, Instruction Scheduling
Assembly Function, Call Subroutine
Instruction Scheduling(instruction cycles, ARM9TDMI pipeline), Pipeline Hazards
Conditional Execution, Looping Constructs
Conditional Execution(Unsigned Comparison, Signed Comparison Cascading Conditions)
Looping Constructs(Loop Unrolling, Loop Counter Packing, Decrement Loop Counter, Negative Indexing, Log Indexing)
Bit Manipulation, Switch, Unaligned Data
Bit Manipulation(Fixed-width Packing/Unpacking, Variable-width Packing/Unpacking), Efficient Switches(switch-absolute, switch-relative, Using Hash Function)
Handling Unaligned Data
Exception, ARM Processor Modes(FIQ, IRQ, SVC, Abort, Undefined), Vector Table
Exception Priority, Link Register Offsets
Interrupts(External, Internal), Minimize Interrupt Latency(Nested Interrupt Handler, Prioritization), IRQ and FIQ Exceptions
Interrupt Stack, Stack Overflow, Stack Design
1.1 The RISC Design Philosophy
1.2 The ARM Design Philosophy
1.3 Embedded System Hardware
1.4 Embedded System Software
2.1 Registers
2.2 Current Program Status Register
2.3 Pipeline
2.4 Exceptions, Interrupts, and the Vector Table
2.5 Core Extensions
2.6 Architecture Revisions
2.7 ARM Processor Families
3.1 Data Processing Instructions
3.2 Branch Instructions
3.3 Load-Store Instructions
3.4 Software Interrupt Instruction
3.5 Program Status Register Instructions
3.6 Loading Constants
3.7 ARMv5E Extensions
3.8 Conditional Execution
4.1 Thumb Register Usage
4.2 ARM-Thumb Interworking
4.3 Other Branch Instructions
4.4 Data Processing Instructions
4.5 Single-Register Load-Store Instructions
4.6 Multiple-Register Load-Store Instructions
4.7 Stack Instructions
4.8 Software Interrupt Instruction
5.1 Overview of C Compilers and Optimization
5.2 Basic C Data Types
5.3 C Looping Structures
5.4 Register Allocation
5.5 Function Calls
5.6 Pointer Aliasing
5.7 Structure Arrangement
5.8 Bit-fields
5.9 Unaligned Data and Endianness
5.10 Division
5.11 Floating Point
5.12 Inline Functions and Inline Assembly
5.13 Portability Issues
6.1 Writing Assembly Code
6.2 Profiling and Cycle Counting
6.3 Instruction Scheduling
6.4 Register Allocation
6.5 Conditional Execution
6.6 Looping Constructs
6.7 Bit Manipulation
6.8 Efficient Switches
6.9 Handling Unaligned Data
7.1 Double-Precision Integer Multiplication
7.2 Integer Normalization and Count Leading Zeros
7.3 Division
7.4 Square Roots
7.5 Transcendental Functions: log, exp, sin, cos
7.6 Endian Reversal and Bit Operations
7.7 Saturated and Rounded Arithmetic
7.8 Random Number Generation
8.1 Representing a Digital Signal
8.2 Introduction to DSP on the ARM
8.3 FIR filters
8.4 IIR Filters
8.5 The Discrete Fourier Transform
9.1 Exception Handling
9.2 Interrupts
9.3 Interrupt Handling Schemes
10.1 Firmware and Bootloader
10.2 Example: Sandstone
11.1 Fundamental Components
11.2 Example: Simple Little Operating System
12.1 The Memory Hierarchy and Cache Memory
12.2 Cache Architecture
12.3 Cache Policy
12.4 Coprocessor 15 and Caches
12.5 Flushing and Cleaning Cache Memory
12.6 Cache Lockdown
12.7 Caches and Software Performance
13.1 Protected Regions
13.2 Initializing the MPU, Caches, and Write Buffer
13.3 Demonstration of an MPU system
14.1 Moving from an MPU to an MMU
14.2 How Virtual Memory Works
14.3 Details of the ARM MMU
14.4 Page Tables
14.5 The Translation Lookaside Buffer
14.6 Domains and Memory Access Permission
14.7 The Caches and Write Buffer
14.8 Coprocessor 15 and MMU Configuration
14.9 The Fast Context Switch Extension
14.10 Demonstration: A Small Virtual Memory System
14.11 The Demonstration as mmuSLOS