The Medical diseases analysis is emerging in the area of research. In recent years, various attempts are made for the creation of computer aided diagnosis applications. Due to errors in medical dia…
1 UpdatedMay 2, 2021 -
Sensor-Data-Analytics Public
1. Prewitt edge detector: gradient filter és nonmaxima-suppression (NMS) Output is two images: 1. gradient magnitute; 2. final result after NMS. 2. Thresholding algorithm by Otsu Output: thresholde…
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedJan 27, 2021 -
SkyAR Public
Forked from jiupinjia/SkyAROfficial Pytorch implementation of the preprint paper "Castle in the Sky: Dynamic Sky Replacement and Harmonization in Videos", in arXiv:2010.11800.
Python UpdatedNov 20, 2020 -
Phishing website detection using UCI dataset with python
youtube Public
Forked from tkorting/youtubeThe source code of graphs and animations used in my YouTube channel (http://youtube.com/tkorting)
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedFeb 26, 2020