erichartline.net Public
The code for my personal website.
rtl-deck Public
Just a lil' presentation about react-testing-library and msw.
rtl-demo Public
Simple app to demonstrate testing scenarios with RTL and MSW
movie-app Public
Playing around with the TMDB API, Next.js, Chakra UI and other fun stuff
character-creator Public
Forked from css-for-js/character-creator -
dicty-stock-center Public
Forked from dictyBase/dicty-stock-centerThe Dicty Stock Center app rebuilt with React and GraphQL!
dicty-frontpage Public
Forked from dictyBase/dicty-frontpageReact based frontpage web application of the new dictyBase
dictyaccess Public
Forked from dictyBase/dictyaccessDashboard for data visualization in dictyBase applications
genomepage Public
Forked from dictyBase/genomepageReact web application to display genomic information at dictyBase
publication Public
Forked from dictyBase/publicationReact application to display individual publications using Typescript and GraphQL
dicty-hooks Public
Forked from dictyBase/dicty-hooksHome for all reusable dictyBase React hooks
graphql-server Public
Forked from dictyBase/graphql-serverdictyBase GraphQL server built using gqlgen
url-shortener Public
URL shortener microservice, a freeCodeCamp project
node-world-cup Public
Node.js command line app for World Cup 2018 results and standings.