ormar Public
Forked from collerek/ormarpython async orm with fastapi in mind and pydantic validation
Python MIT License UpdatedDec 10, 2022 -
databases Public
Forked from encode/databasesAsync database support for Python. 🗄
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedJun 21, 2021 -
fastapi-pagination Public
Forked from uriyyo/fastapi-paginationFastAPI pagination
Python MIT License UpdatedJun 2, 2021 -
vuex-undo-redo Public
Forked from anthonygore/vuex-undo-redoUndo/Redo plugin for Vuex
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedApr 9, 2020 -
errdo Public
A simple plugin to handle, log, and customize production errors in Rails applications
node-iridium-sbd Public
Forked from cape-io/node-iridium-sbdNode.js library for sending and receiving Iridium SBD (Short Burst Data)
sails-hook-webpack-vue Public
Forked from Tarrask/sails-hook-webpack-vueWebpack 2.x and vue.js 2 asset pipeline hook for Sails.js
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedFeb 1, 2018 -
cxml Public
Forked from sosedoff/cxmlRuby implementation of cXML communication protocol
Ruby MIT License UpdatedOct 13, 2016 -
swap_books Public
Forked from dleve123/swap_booksRepo for HopHacks 2014 Dream Team
1 UpdatedSep 5, 2014 -