Tags: ericlurker/solidity-bytes-utils
v0.0.7 - Upgrade to Solidity v0.5.0 (GNSPS#22) * (WIP) Upgrade to Solidity v0.5.0 (GNSPS#21) * (refactor) Changed codebase to Solidity v0.5.0 * Style changes * Added `memory` everywhere to bytes and strings * `target.call(data)` now returns a tuple * Adding note about compiler support in the README + typo fix * Replaced the ThrowProxy pattern for a better v0.5.x one ThrowProxy was giving problems while testing with the JS-VM with the Constantinople hard-fork. So I changed the tests to stop using that pattern and use function selectors since that's now a thing. It is cleaner now. * Update package-lock.json * Bump version to v0.0.7 * Bump version in package-lock.json * Update dependency versions * Fix typo in package-lock.json
v0.0.6 - Addition of several other typecast methods (GNSPS#20) * Vanity updates * Add type cast method to `bytes32` * Update to the natSpec comment on top of both libraries 😄 Though I really like Nick Johnson's string library this has been built entirely by me (as opposed to what the NatSpec comment in the top said since the last commit 😄) I just copied the comment layout on top of his library and forgot to change the author 😂 * Adding Solidity highlight to gitattribute 🎉 😄 * Update package versions & prepare for NPM publish * Create a NPM ignore file to keep `truffle.js` from being published * Syntax & pragmas updates for v0.5.0 * Update README to reflect NPM publish * Another README update * Support for typecasting into uint8, uint16, uint32 (GNSPS#19) * Add uint8, uint16, uint32 * Unit test for uint8, uint16, uint32 * Removing Truffle as a dependency * Bump version to v0.0.6